"Later, Ben Shen will expand the scope of mental power inspection, but after this expansion, we can't use mental power all the time."

"It's OK, it's OK. Expand quickly."

A moment later, Yu Qingyu asked, "have you found the cry?"

The cold voice of the system sounded: "yes, you continue to go north, full run, about two days to come."

"What about not working hard?"

"Three days."

"System, give me a bigotan. I don't have time to eat these two days."

The system pauses and says, "do you care about that wolf so much? What about a day later? "

Yu Qingyu turned his eyes and said," Hey, Hello, system, who am I doing for collecting merits and virtues? In order to complete the task, I have to go up the mountain of swords, go down the sea of fire, get shot, block the machete, chase the beast, and beat with gunfire... "

The system couldn't bear to interrupt Yu Qingyu's speech: "shut up

Yu Qingyu stopped for a moment and said as if nothing had happened: "do you want to give the pill?"

a pill appeared in Yu Qingyu's mouth, and he quickly swallowed it down and said, "I remember this pill seems to be able to keep eating for three days?"

"well, take the pill and go. The wolf looks like it's going to die."

"What's wrong with him?" Yu Qingyu said urgently

The system light way: "probably is has several orcs to like him, prepares to force him, now is bitten the whole body is the blood."

Yu Qingyu ran with his fastest speed.

What the hell! If you don't say it earlier, you'll waste your time arguing with him.

After running for a while, Yu Qingyu suddenly stopped: "system, can he be killed after being put on? Or is he dying now? That should not be stopped at my speed?"

"Maybe you can go and collect the corpse for him. The next world will come. Ben Shen has a good temper now."

Yu Qingyu said: It has nothing to do with his temper!

taking a deep breath, Yu Qingyu said softly: "system, do you have anything that can get there in a moment? Give it to me. I know you are the ancestor of the most powerful animal in the world. You must have collected a lot of treasures in the eggshell for so many years. Would you like to check whether there is such a thing

The systematic tone said with a hint of banter: "yes, a lot, but They have to use psychic power. "

"Shit! The sky is going to die, that stupid wolf, I'm powerless to go back to heaven!" he stopped and said, "how about we go directly to the next world?"

System: Damn it, it ran so fast. Who's that rabbit?

The system was a little puzzled. Yu Qingyu's unpredictable temperament just said, "the wolf may not die. At most, a group of male orcs have attacked him. So I think you'd better go and have a look. After that, we'll go to the next world."

Yu Qingyu mumbled: "it's better to die. How big is the psychological shadow area when so many orcs go together? Especially the crying wolf, I'm afraid it's not the last wolf who cried to death? "

" Oh! But I can't help it. I have to go there. This time, I'll take a long time. "

Crow could feel the pain of teeth gnawing on his body, but his body was too soft to make a trace of strength, and his head was muddleheaded.

The bright red blood covered his whole body. In some places, bones could be seen deeply. With the loss of blood, the drug properties were gradually declining, and his brain became more and more clear.

Did you want to eat him?

Yes, he doesn't want to live anyway.

Suddenly feel the buttock against the thing, as if want to do something to him, cry fierce earn, suddenly sat up.

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