If the house was not built, they could only sleep in the trees for one day. Fortunately, there was no rain during this period.

"Cry, you say that they come to make trouble every day, and we can't eat them all?"

"don't drive them away?"

"no, they are all my reserved food. What can I eat?"

Ti Mo said: "what's the best way for Qingyu?"

Yu Qingyu sighed: "it's better to let them not make trouble or run out of the valley, When we want to eat meat, we will catch one. Ha ha, is it a good choice

"I'm sorry Is this possible?

That day, Yu Qingyu got up in the morning and was surprised that he didn't see the cry beside him.

Usually, he would like to take Yu Qingyu with him everywhere. Especially in the morning, he would pester him once. Today is an exception.

Yu Qingyu slipped down the tree and looked for the figure of crying. After turning a fruit tree, he stopped.

Sleeping trough! Where did the wolf bigger than the house come from?

Wait a minute. His breath is so familiar. It's like crying.

The wolf seemed to feel something behind him. He lost his head and stepped on the ground, shaking the ground.

Yu Qingyu ran into the wolf's eyes. At that moment, he swore that he saw surprise from a wolf's face, then turned into panic, and finally ran away as if his eyes were wet.

Yu Qingyu low smile, neuropathy ah! What is there to hide from?

even if he recognizes it?

He won't look at his size, you stupid wolf!

After that, Yu Qingyu saw some wild animals like horses looking at him. He took a mouthful of saliva.

If these dozens of wild animals ran towards him at the same time, he estimated that he would be trampled into a pile of broken meat, which could not be pasted.

Yu Qingyu stepped back a few steps, thinking of quitting a certain distance, and then ran away, and suddenly ran into a warm embrace.

Cry slightly with hoarse hoarse voice spread: "how are you here?" the corner of the eye secretly glared at those wild animals.

I didn't see my partner scared. Get out of here!

Yu Qingyu watched the wild animals as if they saw something terrible, and ran away in a panic.

They didn't run because they saw crow, did they?

Yu Qingyu raised his head and looked at him. Sure enough, he saw that his fierce eyes just came back.

Ha ha It seems that Ti still has this function?

"Did Qingyu come up with a way to deal with these wild animals?"

Yu Qingyu picked her eyebrows, put on her clothes and shook her head: "No

Cry low head to kiss Yu Qingyu's mouth: "then we think slowly, come to eat first."

Yu Qingyu curled his mouth and thought whether he would break him down or not?

Breakfast is a few bird eggs, and under the guidance of Yu Qingyu, take a bamboo pot of boiling water.

After breakfast, Yu Qingyu looked at the half dug foundation and sighed.

Since the crow can frighten these wild animals, why didn't they start early?

Is he afraid that he will find out? But what is he afraid of?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, No.

"Cry, I saw a very big wolf then."

Cry, is not easy to detect the voice of panic

Yu Qingyu rolled his eyes and said, "of course, it is true. When did I tell a lie?"

in Chinese

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