Tiger Dali was at the bottom of the line. He said to the orcs around him, "have you heard what's going on below?"

the orc said calmly, "what can I do if there's something going on?"

tiger Dali is stunned. Yes, what can we do? The eagles are flying in the sky, looking far and listening far away. They have no indication. If he asks to go down and have a look, he will not pay any attention to him 。

The tiger reached out and patted the orc on the shoulder without speaking.

It took more than ten days for the orcs to return from the valley, but it took the eagles only three or four days to get to the valley where they lived.

The wolf clan leader took the lead in rushing into the valley. When he saw the stone house, he said to the surrounding orcs, "no matter what you see in a while, you must kill the monster at the same time."

The wolf clan long for a moment incarnate for the wolf, whine of low roar a few.

All the rest of the orcs were also reduced to their original forms and assumed offensive positions.

The orcs approached the stone house step by step, and the eagles circled on the roof, ready to rush down to fight.

After encircling the stone house, there was no sound from the room for a long time.

Isn't it in the house?

but they chose to come here in the morning to surround them, for fear that they would not be hunting in the house.

An orc asked in wolf language: "clan leader, what should I do now?"

the wolf clan leader's eyes were gloomy and stormed open the wooden door specially made by Yu Qingyu.

The dust was flying in front of my eyes, and the wolf clan coughed a few times.

When the wolf clan leader walked into the house, he was surprised to find that there was nothing in the house. Even the stone house seemed to be newly built.

The stone in the middle of the room was touched with my claws. The white hair was covered with dust.

Did you run?

Oh It's fast, or I'll send you to heaven.

Other orcs saw the wolves grow in, and there were a few other orcs.

One of them also touched a stone, looked around, and finally said definitely, "they have been away for about ten days, and we can't catch up with them now."

The orcs were disappointed to hear the news.

It's a feeling of being a hero, but the world no longer needs heroes.

The wolf clan leader's eyes are dim, and he is angry by the two orcs.

He finally found a unique skill that could show his skill in front of the people and the big ethnic groups. He believed that as long as he showed the most powerful side, he would surely have to praise him.

Who knows that these two orcs ran away? I'm really angry with him!

after a moment's silence, he said, "can't even catch up with the eagles?"

The orc replied, "I've been walking for more than ten days, but I don't know where I'm going. It's going to take several days to chase them."

The wolf clan leader went out and stood in front of the house and said in a loud voice, "the monster guessed that we were going to kill him, so they ran away. They have been running for more than ten days. Do you think we should chase after him?"

Orc a: "I think we should chase it. We all come out, and we still care about a few more days."

Orc B: "I saw that monster last time. It's the size of a hill. We don't know if we can fight it."

Orc C: "I listen to the patriarch."

Orc A:

Orc B:.... "

Then what else do they say!

the wolf clan leader says again, "I know half of you orcs want to go home now."

Some of the orcs at the bottom are already embracing each other excitedly.

It's good to go back. There are females in the family who can mate at any time, and there is no shortage of food.

The wolf clan leader raised his voice and said, "but the monster has not been killed yet. He will bring us all the orc disasters, so what are we going to do now?" the last sentence spread all over the valley, and the sound was worthy of his muscles.

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