Yu Qingyu stood and looked for a while, and found that the main threat to cry came from the eagle orcs, because they could fly, and the sharp claws would add a new wound to Ti every time.

As for the orcs on the ground, they are only serving vegetables to cry. However, there are still a lot of orcs, and Ti stands still as a target. There will always be times when he can't take care of them.

Waist and abdomen have been injured, two front paws are almost blood red, but firmly refused to move a step.

In fact, as long as he moves, it won't be the situation at all. If you think about the more than 100 orcs who have died in the wandering orcs, you will know how fierce the cry will be.

Yu Qingyu felt that his eyes were moist, so he wiped it on his back.

Tut What a fool!

You think you died for me, I will remember you for a lifetime?

No! I'll just find a better looking man to be happy.

"Hello, silly wolf, I'm here! Come here Yu Qingyu, standing on the side of his body not far from the cry, cried out.

Crying action, immediately by several tiger orcs bite the front leg.

Damn it! How did Qingyu come out?

Yu Qingyu's eyes darkened, and his pestle came out of his hand. He thought to himself, "die! Die! Die

Three tiger orcs died under Yu Qingyu's pestle.

Cry turned around and picked up Yu Qingyu, who was about to plug him into the cave.

Yu Qingyu's cold voice came: "cry, if you throw me into the cave again, I will leave you after today!"

He was afraid of nothing but Qingyu's leaving him.

But now it's so dangerous, he's afraid! I'm afraid Qingyu will get hurt and die.

Yu Qingyu said, "let me put you on your back. I can deal with hawk orcs. You know how powerful my weapons are."

"Woo Hoo..." No, you're going to get hurt!

"Quick, don't forget that I'm also a male. Quick, they killed me."

Hearing this, she realized that she would jump away and throw Yu Qingyu on his back.

After the toss, he cried regretfully.

This action is still boring and practiced when they are on the road. It's really harmful to people!

There are so many hawk orcs on top of his head. Although they can't see them at night, his big white target has a little shadow.

Is Qingyu very dangerous?

No, let's run!

Yu Qingyu at the moment of going up to command the pestle to attack the hawk ORC.

When she was about to run away, she suddenly dropped several bodies of Eagle orcs from the sky.

The appearance can't see the wound, but the death is strange.

When Yu Qingyu was hunting more, he didn't think there was anything wrong with him. The orcs who came together retreated three feet when they saw the body of the eagle ORC.

Orcs who die without any injuries are dead or dead in their eyes.

The orcs backed back in panic.

"Roar..." Is this the ability of a monster?


is it a disaster that the orc has touched How terrible! How can you fight? If you fight again, you will die.

"Li It's just like Boy, what did you kill our orcs with?


Yu Qingyu smiles like a flower, but her eyes are deep and full of weird light. She has a chill all over her body. She says in a relaxed tone: "want to know? Try not to know."

At the end of the speech, Yu Qingyu throws out the pestle again and targets the eagle ORC.

As she was about to run, the bodies of several hawk orcs suddenly fell from the sky, throwing dust on the ground.

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