The emperor deliberately let people hurt himself. He told Lu Sheng that he was from the Imperial Palace and wanted him to die.

He also told Lusheng not to care about him. He was going to die soon. In the future, let Lusheng live a good life without thinking about him, and he loved him.

The demon never goes to the place where human beings are before they are transformed. Therefore, Lusheng can be said to be pure, just like a piece of white paper. Hearing this, he would like to die for him.

Lu Sheng asked the little bodyguard how to save him, but the little guard stopped talking. Finally, under the pressure of Lu Sheng, he said that he wanted him to pass all his skills to him through double cultivation, so that he could live.

However, Lu Sheng, who has no skill, will become a deer again. If he wants to re form, he has to practice for another hundred years.

He also said that his death was not worthy of doing so for him, and Lu Sheng was always advised to leave him alone.

Seeing that his lover was so considerate of him, Lu Sheng did not hesitate to pass on his skill to the little bodyguard. He even thought that it was inconvenient for him to move. As he rode, he passed on his skills.

Finally, tired to fall by the side of the small bodyguard, turned back to a sika deer, the horns on his head were dim.

After the emperor got the skill, he kicked Lu Sheng away and threw him to the place where the imperial palace made alchemy. He took blood and cut his flesh every day. Even his beautiful horn was cut off. Finally, he died without a whole body.

He really fell in love with the little guard. He didn't expect that the little guard would harm him here.

At the beginning of being caught in the palace, he was ready to die without resentment, but betrayed, used or even killed by his beloved was more painful than his flesh and blood.

He hated the emperor. He wanted to eat the emperor's meat and drink his blood, so that he could taste the pain of being betrayed, exploited and finally killed by his beloved.

Yu Qingyu finished reading Lu Sheng's memory and sighed. The emperor, a scum man, cheated people's simple body and mind, but did not cherish it. Now people want him to taste the pain he has tasted, there is nothing wrong with it.

He opened his eyes and looked around and found that he was too quiet. Yu Qingyu felt wrong for a moment and jumped out several meters.

At the next moment, an arrow was inserted in the place. Yu Qingyu secretly called out that he was dangerous and flew as fast as he could.

He didn't dare to breathe back. He ran for more than half an hour before he stopped.

He can't be caught by the little emperor now, otherwise he will not be afraid of pain if he blood him every day?

Besides, if the emperor wants to fall in love with him, he can't be a demon's identity, he must be a human's identity.

And he was just about to change his shape. It was just right for him to go to the little emperor.

Well Who is he going to give himself?

In my memory, the emperor was cruel and pursued power. He also hoped to live forever. Men and women were not afraid of it.

However, the emperor's advantages are patience, first-class acting skills, and special strategy.

Take a look at the pay, the affection, tut tut

Otherwise, he would like to set up an expert in the world. In order to increase the emperor's skill and life span, he secretly hooked up with the emperor. Ha ha

Not bad, not bad. He must be the most handsome hermit in history.

The emperor obviously shot a sika deer, but how can't find it, angry with an arrow.

When he came here to hunt, he knew that there was a deer demon who had practiced for 800 years.

As long as you catch the deer demon, you can use the deer demon's blood and meat to extract pills and increase his power.

Now the deer demon is gone, and the emperor is very angry.

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