The young man blushed and didn't say anything at last.

Yu Qingyu pointed to the three demons that had become the original shape, "go, take out their demon Dan, and take all the things on your body."

I just don't have money or resources. Isn't this a door-to-door delivery service? Ha ha He's sorry for them if he doesn't take it.

The boy took a look at his grandfather, and then at the demons. He gritted his teeth and took what Yu Qingyu wanted in front of him.

Yu Qingyu reached out and patted the boy: "little rooster, it's good. Now let's go back to your place and have a look."

"What are you going to do?"

"you are so stupid to say you are stupid? Of course, I went to rob. They are all big demons. Should I have a good fortune? "

The young man stood still and led people back to his home to rob. His mind was fine.

"Why? Don't you want to go? OK, I'll kill you and your grandfather now


"What's wrong with me? I didn't want your life, and I couldn't have asked for some money? Eh?"

Yu Qingyu approached the young man's face and said with a smile, his hot breath was on his face.

The boy suddenly felt that his heart was out of control. He stepped back with a red face, "no No

It's not to lead the way

"Oh, oh..."

The boy carried his grandfather and led Yu Qingyu back to where they lived.

I don't know what happened along the way. I was distracted frequently and took the wrong way several times.

Yu Qingyu is in a good temper, otherwise he would have been beaten.

Yu Qingyu contentedly ransacked the young man's home, and led by the boy to search the nest of the three demons. For a moment, the empty space stone was filled with all kinds of things.

Of course, there is no lack of gold, silver and jade, and even some natural materials and treasures.

In the first few worlds, Yu Qingyu didn't have to worry about finding money. He was only responsible for sleeping.

Now I have to do my best to rob. Tut However, he killed and set fire to the gold belt and robbed these big demons. His purse is very big now, so he doesn't have to do this kind of thing for the time being.

And so on to hook up with the cold little emperor, is not what to have, peace of mind when a rice insect on the line.

Looking back at the teenager, "are you willing to take the poison or I've wasted your skill?"

"why? Am I not your follower?" The boy was surprised.

"After all, you and your grandfather must hate me to the bone. I don't want to raise a white eyed wolf. There must be means to control you. Although I'm not afraid of your sneak attack, more is better than less."

The boy nodded, "poison." I don't know why I feel a little aggrieved.

Yu Qingyu didn't know what was in his mind. He threw a pill to the boy and watched him eat it. Then he turned around.

Ah, now that we have money and people, we need to make a suit of equipment to deceive the emperor. Tut tut There are still some small expectations.

When the emperor was carried back to the palace, he woke up and waved back all the people with deep eyes.

In a moment, a black shadow knelt down in front of the emperor's couch.

"What's up?"

the black shadow reported all the things happened in the forest after the emperor was seriously injured. He emphasized that Yu Qingyu had a particularly powerful weapon, and the three demons were all killed after being touched by the weapon.

The emperor pondered for a moment and said, "can't I help him?"

The shadow did not speak, but kept his head down.

In fact, the emperor did not expect him to say anything, but to himself.

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