"Juyuan teahouse? Let's go and have a look!" Yu Qingyu waved to the boy behind him.

Juyuan teahouse is the most famous teahouse in Beijing. The reason is that there are two different storytellers here every morning and afternoon.

Juyuan teahouse is not the only teahouse for storytelling. Why can Juyuan teahouse dominate?

it is said that the person behind Juyuan teahouse is a person that the emperor should respect three points. Therefore, the storytelling here is different from other places. Sometimes, the storytellers in this teahouse will tell some stories about the Imperial Palace and the ministers in the imperial court, and no one dares to investigate.

In the elegant room on the second and third floor, you can discuss all matters related to the imperial court. You don't have to worry about officers and soldiers coming in to arrest people.

When Yu Qingyu entered the teahouse, he found that the first floor was almost full, looking forward to the storytelling platform.

As for? So many people come this morning?

Yu Qingyu picked a corner at random and looked at the layout of the teahouse carelessly.

"My guest, what kind of tea would you like?" asked the younger brother attentively.

"A pot of expensive black tea, a few cakes, a little cock, pay."

The boy touched a silver ingot and put it on the tray of his second brother and sat down opposite Yu Qingyu.

"Well, sir, just a moment."

Yu Qingyu watched it for a while and found that it was no different from that on TV. He was not interested in it. When he saw the teenager sitting beside him, he glared at the table and patted the table, "who let you sit? You should stand up if you are a valet. You have seen whose attendant and master are sitting at the same table?"

the boy's face turned red in an instant, and he stood up with his teeth clenched.

Let a peacock young master who has always been high on the throne as a follower, and does not allow people to sit. The peacock young master said that he had never done such a thing. He was really angry.

The second brother brought tea and cakes and put them on the table gently. "Please enjoy yourself, sir."

Yu Qingyu fixed his eyes on the teapot and patted the table for a while, "little cock, how can you be a valet? Pour tea! Waiting for me to serve you? "

He picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea. "Pa" put it in front of Yu Qingyu. The water in the teacup splashed Yu Qingyu's face.

Drink, drink, drink enough!

Yu Qingyu wiped his face with his sleeve, took a sip of tea, narrowed his eyes, and showed an expression of enjoyment.

Ha ha Arrogant cockerel, do not believe still can't cure you!

The young man wanted to pour all the water in his teapot on his face. He even called the young master of the peacock tribe to drink it and asked him to pour tea. He was looking for death!

But seeing him squinting his eyes in a lazy state, I don't know why I can't move my eyes, and I don't want to destroy this picture.

"Look, here comes the storyteller

"I'll wait as soon as the store opens!"

"As long as he speaks well today, I will be rewarded with great rewards."


For a moment, the whole teahouse was full of people, and the conversation was much louder than the noise just now.

The storyteller is not surprised. Why are so many people waiting for him to tell stories? Does he have special storytelling skills?

"Hello, rooster, have you ever heard him say books?"

"No The young man is obviously still angry about Yu Qingyu's scolding him just now, and his tone is very strong.

"No, it's not. I don't despise you. Why do you speak in such a strong tone? Remember that I'm your master, you know? You have to please me. "

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