Zhan TianAng: "it's just Who am I and where am I?

with a wounded look on his face, the boy moved his mouth, and finally said nothing, turned away, and the door clapped.

Yu Qingyu took a puff from the corner of his mouth, good you little cock, wait for me to clean you up! Dare to knock on the door? You're tired of it!

It took Zhan TianAng some time to accept that the man in front of him confessed to him, but he could not feel a trace of irritability and nausea. He just felt unbelievable.

The man in front of him, no, this demon can be said to have what he wants. How can he like him like this? He doesn't believe it.

"Don't you believe that I like you?"

Zhan TianAng nodded, and his face was still his usual cold expression.

"What do you think of the matter that I like you?"

"what do you think?"

Yu Qingyu: "what do you think?" Are you stupid or are you pretending to be stupid?

I mean, do you promise to be with me

"I am..." How can you agree?

"OK, don't answer me first. Give me a month, and I will make you fall in love with me."

Seeing the emperor's refusal, Yu Qingyu simply opened his mouth to interrupt him.

Zhan TianAng wanted to say, "I'll give you a lifetime and I won't like you." But seeing those watery round eyes, I don't know how to nod.

Yu Qingyu saw Zhan TianAng nodding and threw himself on his body. His legs were hanging on his body, and he kissed him on the lips.

This is a man of his own family.

Zhan TianAng came out to walk today. His support was at the end of his strength. Yu Qingyu threw him at him. After a few steps, Zhan TianAng fell to the ground and fainted.

Yu Qingyu said: what the fuck! Did he crush his man to death?

he stretched out his hand and tried it. It was ok, OK, and still angry.

It's no big deal. Don't you faint?

if you have him, you'll be alive and kicking tomorrow.

"Dong Dong Dong" came a knock on the door. "Prince Zhan, it's time to go back to court in another hour. Now it's time to go back."

Yu Qingyu looked at Zhan TianAng and thought that he would not be able to go to the court. He said, "your master's injury has recurred. If you don't go to court today, you should leave some people to guard it. Others can go back."

"Emperor What's the matter with Childe Zhan? Can you let me come in and see you?

Yu Qingyu pondered: "OK, you can come in."

As soon as he went in, he saw his emperor lying on the ground. He rushed to push aside Yu Qingyu and roared, "what have you done to the emperor? Come on..."

"Shut up! If you want the whole building to know that the emperor has come to Nanfeng hall, you can continue to shout


"The Emperor just fainted because of the old injury. I'm going to heal him. You should guard outside the door. Don't let anyone in."

"But if the story of the emperor staying in the Nanfeng hall at night is spread out, I'm afraid it will not be very good." Small accompany son some embarrassed say.

"Then go back to the palace. I'll go back with you."

Small accompany son embarrassed looking at the person in front of him, "taking people into the palace without permission is a death penalty."

"Then you go back first, and I'll be there later."

Entering a palace is not a matter of minutes. It's hard for him.

Small accompany son suspiciously took a look at Yu Qingyu did not speak, quietly helped Zhan TianAng to go out, he knew what to ask, what should not be asked.

Yu Qingyu came forward and supported him on the other side.

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