Yu Qingyu stretched out his hand and took his hand: "then go quickly, this period of time will be suffocated."

"Well." Zhan TianAng indulges in a smile.

"The emperor! Something's wrong! The emperor!" came the voice of a small companion outside the window.

"What's so panic?" Zhan TianAng opened the door and asked.

"Back to the emperor, all the civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty are kneeling outside the Jinluan hall, saying that they want the emperor to take back his life."

"Hum! Go and tell them that my decision will not be changed! " He turned his head and looked at Yu Qingyu in a gentle tone: "aren't you going to ride a horse? Let's go

"What decision did you make to force the ministers to kneel outside the hall?"

"this You'll see later. Now we'll go riding. " Zhan TianAng looks a little strange.

I don't know Qingyu won't agree after knowing it. I'm really worried!

Yu Qingyu glanced at Zhan TianAng and didn't say?


You don't have to tell me.

"System, help to see why the ministers kneel."

"Oh, Ben Shen heard this morning that the emperor wanted to make you queen. Those people didn't agree."

"Is the emperor mad? Do you want me to be queen? Is he not afraid of the counterfeiters

The system sneered: "of course he is not afraid. The first emperor's son was killed by him, abandoned, and none of the adults can be emperor. The younger one has no power to fight for the throne. Besides, he has a demon army, which is very powerful, and others can't beat him."

"System, why do you know so much? Is it reasonable to say that Did you pay special attention to the emperor? "

the system seems to have some guilty saying:" he is the goal of the mission, so it's right for Ben Shen to pay more attention to it. "

Yu Qingyu didn't speak. He always felt that the system was strange recently. He had not paid so much attention to several mission targets before.

"Qingyu, don't think about it. You'll know later. Let's go and join me in the dragon chase."

Yu Qingyu chats with the system. In Zhan TianAng's eyes, he is thinking about what happened.

"Ah? Dragon drive? Forget it. Let's walk there. "


Yu Qingyu looked at the serious look in Zhan TianAng's eyes and sighed: "because I am kind-hearted, the emperor and empress must be allowed to sit in this dragon drive according to the rules. What am I doing? You're not afraid of being scolded for being a fool. "

Zhan TianAng hugged Yu Qingyu and said, "Qingyu, Qingyu, I..." I never thought that one day there would be a person who would care about me so much. How can I do if I am so happy?

Qingyu, I am so happy!

Yu Qingyu raised his hand and patted him on the back, "OK, I know you must think I'm handsome now, and I wish I could be a friend, but..." After a pause, he reached his ear and said, "is it really good to cuddle in front of so many people?"

Zhan TianAng's face instantly dyed a layer of crimson, let go of jade Qingyu.

Yu Qingyu laughed and turned to walk forward.

The shy emperor is also lovely.

Some people in the racecourse had already prepared their horses, waiting for the emperor to arrive.

Yu Qingyu holds a whip, picks eyebrow to look at Zhan TianAng, "how about we compete?"

As soon as Zhan TianAng got on his horse, his momentum changed, just like a sword with a sharp edge. The cold air was so fierce that people could not ignore it.

See him to jade Qing Yu a hook lip to say: "good ah!"

"Drive!" two people whips at the same time, the sound of horse's hooves rings through the ear in an instant.

Yu Qingyu managed to pull the reins and not fall down. His legs were tightly clenched with the horse's belly. "System, I just remembered that I can't ride a horse. What should I do?"

in the end, he said

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