"Not bad." The young man answered coldly.

When you hear this, I can't bring a good price to the young people


"No? You Why? "

The boy turned to the boat and left a sentence: "nothing, why, don't want to go."

I stomped my feet with bookishness, but I couldn't help it.

Yu Qingyu was surprised to see that he was ignored by the young man. He opened his mouth and cried, "Hello, rooster, is your master still here? Why don't you even say hello?

the boy stopped for a moment and then went on walking.

Can all the visions speak now? How much he missed the deer demon with a black heart!

Unfortunately Hehe, love yourself!

People have abandoned you, but you are still cheap and waiting in place. You are the young master of peacock clan. How can you become like this because of a person?

You should be glad that no black heart beats you every day. You should put on a few tables of wine to celebrate his departure.

But the thought that he had never met again made my heart ache to death.

"Well, rooster, you're not still mad at me for not saying goodbye that day?" Yu Qingyu stepped forward and held the boy's arm.

In addition to this, Yu Qingyu could not think of any other reason for the youth to ignore him.

The young man felt the real touch on his arm. He was stunned at the spot for a moment, his pupil was dilated, and he turned his head hard, "master, is that you?"

"It's me! You don't know me... "

The young man pulled Yu Qingyu in his arms and said, "it's thirteen days and five hours. Master, you finally come to me!"

Yu Qingyu was a little confused. To tell the truth, he didn't understand why the boy was so excited. Didn't he see him for half a month?

The relationship between the two of them seems to have not disappeared for a day, as if they were three years apart?

the scholar came to him and said, "do you know each other? That's great. Let's go wandering the world together

Yu Qingyu pushed aside the young man and said to the scholar, "we are not interested in wandering in the world. You can go by yourself. In addition, remind me that you can see the people behind you and talk about wandering in the world."

When the scholar looked back, his leg suddenly softened. He felt that his leg began to hurt, and he forced out a smile, "elder brother, how did you come here?"

"if I don't come, are you going to wander the world?"

"brother, listen to my explanation..."

Yu Qingyu led the boy to the city. After his death, there was a conversation between the scholar and his elder brother. Gradually, he could not hear the cry of the wharf.

When Yu Qingyu took him back, he kept staring at him. His eyes were warm and shy. From time to time, he looked down, raised his head, and then lowered his head. His eyes were still a little dodgy.

When he came to a quiet place, Yu Qingyu finally couldn't help it. He threw away his sleeve and said, "I said you should look at it honestly. Why are you sneaking around? Why? Did you do something bad behind my back?"

"no No Some of them dare not look directly at Yu Qingyu. Here's the answer.

Looking at the young man's state, Yu Qingyu suddenly said, "are you secretly in love with me?"

for a moment, his eyes widened and his face turned red rapidly. He wanted to talk but didn't know what to say. He opened his mouth several times and didn't say anything. Finally, he slowly raised his head, looked at Yu Qingyu and exhaled: "what if I said yes?"

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