It turns out that men are captured by people from other countries and become slaves. Without a trace of freedom, they can't come back.

The talented woman called him back from thousands of miles away, and she was on the verge of death. The man did not hesitate to die with his beloved

"So what's the reason for this story? In fact, you just have to tell me how to use this book. There's no need for so much nonsense." Yu Qingyu said ungratefully.

System: I'm crazy to be nice to this heartless man.

"Ah What do you understand from the words of God? "

" do you really think I am so stupid? It is obvious that I should write Zhan TianAng's name with blood. " After a pause, he said, "by the way, I just said I want to see him. It won't bring him here?"

"If two people love each other, he will be attracted by you. If he doesn't love you, you can only see him from the projection in the book."

"Come on, system, borrow a knife. I'm sure I'll get him."

Yu Qingyu cut his finger and wrote the name of Zhan TianAng on the book.

"System, put everything away quickly, or I'll explain these things with a little fight later."

Almost as soon as the system put things away, there was one more person on the bed.

His upper body was almost mummified, and his lower body was wrapped in a bright yellow soft cloth. He lay there with a cracked expression.

Yu Qingyu reached over and put his whole lip in his mouth. He stretched out the tip of his tongue and whirled around. His teeth nibbled at his lip.

"Bang" Yu Qingyu fell on his back on the bed and hit his head on the bed board.

"Zhan TianAng, do you hate me so much?"

Zhan TianAng looked at his hand, then turned his head and looked at Yu Qingyu. He explained in a flustered way: "Qingyu, I didn't mean to do it, i..."

It suddenly occurred to me that he and Lu Qingyu still had a grudge. He should not talk to him like this. He put up his flustered expression and said coldly, "why am I here?"

why? Because you love me, of course.

Looking at the emperor's cold expression, Yu Qingyu wanted to laugh. He loved him so much that he didn't want to hurt him even if he became disabled. Now he pretended to be cold in front of him. Ha ha He will let him know what high cold is!

Yu Qingyu slowly shook his head and raised his arm, showing a helpless look in his eyes.

How did you come here? How can I know? I'm still tied here by you?

Zhan TianAng ponders, is it because he thinks too much about Qingyu that he comes here when he is dreaming?

but Zhan TianAng looks at his clothes and is silent.

In the dark room, I was quiet. I could hear the sound of breathing clearly. Only the occasional crackle of the candle was left.



Yu Qingyu mouth a hook: "you say first."

Zhan TianAng said coldly, "you should speak first."

"First of all, first of all, that I ask you, do you still hate me

Hate it?

He thought about it for a while, and the answer was actually that he didn't hate him. Maybe he never hated him, but was angry at his betrayal and drew a knife against him. If he hated, he would not do nothing but shut him up.

Zhan TianAng looks at Yu Qingyu with complicated eyes. For a moment, he has mixed feelings and doesn't speak for a long time.

Yu Qingyu moved to rub, trying to tilt his head in Zhan TianAng's intact arm.

Zhan TianAng moved his fingers and finally returned to peace.

Yu Qingyu's happy face leaned on Zhan TianAng's arm.





the lazy cancer author has come to ask for the vote again, and the cute kids are moving their fingers to vote

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