Zhan TianAng touched his waist unconsciously and said softly, "good."

Qingyu, it's not that I don't want to let you go, but I'm afraid that if I let go of you, you will disappear.

After a while, some palace people brought in all kinds of delicious food. Yu Qingyu turned over and climbed on the bed, waiting for the palace people to deliver the food to him.

He has been eating on his feet for more than ten days. Because the emperor ordered him not to die, those palace people would throw him a bowl of leftovers and soup or a dry steamed bread every meal.

Fortunately, there are a lot of food in the jade Qingyu space stone. Otherwise, I don't know what to be hungry for.

Zhan TianAng was supported and sat on the head of the bed, with two pillows behind him. His little companion skillfully placed a small table in front of the emperor and put a few light dishes on it.

Fortunately, because of the emperor's presence, the palace people did not give Yu Qingyu any more leftovers and soup. They also put some of those food on his hand. They looked at him one by one, disgusted.

Yu Qingyu remembers that some time ago, the eunuchs would blush when they saw him. Now they want to kill him.

But he didn't care. He did harm to their emperor so badly. Why should these people give him a good face? It's enough not to hurt him.

Zhan TianAng saw Yu Qingyu crawling to the plate to eat. His eyes flashed and he didn't speak. He picked up chopsticks with his left hand and slowly picked up vegetables.

After eating, Yu Qingyu lay down on his back again. Looking at Zhan TianAng's missing arm, he bit his lip and said, "I'm free. How about I tell you a story?"

Zhan TianAng noticed the eyes of Yu Qingyu and subconsciously pulled the quilt corner, covering himself with only one head.

So he looks like a normal person, as long as he doesn't lift the quilt.

"Once upon a time, there was a sect called the ancient tomb sect. When the ancient tomb sect was passed down to this generation, there was only one leader left. The leader was as beautiful as a fairy..."

Zhan TianAng sleeps in the voice of Yu Qingyu talking about "the hero of the eagle".

In the stone chamber, only the sound of Yu Qingyu's deliberate lowering and Zhan TianAng's even breathing sound are left.

Looking at the sky, Yu slowly stopped fighting.

He looked very bad, with deep shadows under his eyes, his lips cracked, his skin pale, and he frowned even when he was asleep.

Yu Qingyu wanted to reach out and touch his face. When he felt the dragging chain, he sighed and did not move.

After a while, Yu Qingyu suddenly said, "system, can I stay in this world for a few more years, you see how miserable the emperor is!"

"You've been in the fox world for decades, have you forgotten?"

"System, my favorite system, you promise me, I promise that the next world will complete the task quickly and efficiently, and will not delay you."

The system was silent for a moment and said, "OK, but this world mission must be accomplished."

"Don't worry about it. How can it not be finished with such a handsome person as me? You'll just wait for the merit to be collected. "

System voice with a smile: "good, Ben Shen wait."

When Zhan TianAng woke up the next day, he felt that the whole person was relaxed a lot.

During these days, he was tortured by pain, and he didn't get a good sleep. When he thought about Yu Qingyu's injury to him, he was abusive to his body and lungs. He could not sleep until he was sleepy. He would wake up from the pain after a while.

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