"Xiaopeizi, do you say that Qingyu is willing to be my queen?"

"Back to the emperor, I don't know, but he once hurt the emperor, and now the emperor is willing to make him, he should be grateful to the emperor."

"In your eyes, I am the best, but Qingyu, I I can't see through him. "

"As long as the emperor keeps him, he will see through one day."

Zhan TianAng sneered: "you're right. As long as I keep him by my side, I'll see through him one day. Go and send me the leader of the demon army."

Xiao Peizi knows that this is the emperor of his family. He is afraid that the man will run away when he gets married. He has to make arrangements.

But he didn't feel that the emperor was wrong at all. If the Emperor didn't protect him, he would have been killed many times.

On the wedding day, Yu Qingyu was pulled out of the bed early in the morning. Although he was a man, it took him several hours to send him to the sedan chair.

The sedan chair is the kind of existence carried by 16 people, which is similar to that carried by sixteen people. It is hung around with red and yellow gauze curtains. When the wind blows, the sedan chair is very beautiful and greasy, but it is a little cold.

Surrounded by several teams of escorts, these are the emperor arranged people, both escort and surveillance.

Yu Qingyu is not in the state all the way. He didn't expect that he would become the one who was married for the first time.

The emperor and others were outside the Jinluan hall. They both accepted the worship and kneeling of the officials. Then they went to the ancestral hall to offer sacrifices to their ancestors. If they got on the Royal Jade Butterfly, they would be considered as a rite of honor.

Yu Qingyu sat on the big bed of the emperor's palace, shaking his legs in some boredom. After looking at the door, he still didn't see the emperor coming back. He tore off the ornaments on the corner and went to the hot spring bath in the back.

It's not a bad day. He'd better wash and sleep.

In his sleep, there seemed to be a pair of hands tearing his clothes. The strong smell of wine rushed into his nose. Yu Qingyu frowned and kicked him: "roll on, stink. Don't disturb my sleep."

Zhan TianAng: "it's just Qing Yu is so fierce!

After a while, Yu Qingyu felt that someone was lifting his clothes, and a hot body was attached to it. He leaned over, hugged his subconscious hands and feet, rubbed and continued to sleep.

Zhan TianAng: "it's just It's hard to make a room.

Yu Qingyu doesn't care what Zhan TianAng thinks. He only knows that he is going to be exhausted and sleeps the most. He is a little annoyed with Zhan TianAng's actions and subconsciously refuses his intimacy.

Finally, Zhan TianAng sighs and sleeps with Yu Qingyu.

Well, let Qingyu sleep. He must be tired today. The bridal chamber can be filled again.

The next morning, Zhan TianAng woke up first. Yu Qingyu closed his eyes and fell asleep relaxed. There was even a trace of unknown liquid in the corner of his mouth.

Zhan TianAng smiles. Later he realizes that Qingyu has finally become his queen. From then on, they should live together and die in the same cave.

That only left hand tightly hugs Yu Qingyu, as if embracing his whole world.

When Yu Qingyu wakes up, he finds Zhan TianAng smiling at him, and his eyes are gentle.

"Why do you look at me like this?"

"Qingyu, I am so happy that you are my queen at last."

"Oh, that's to be happy. When a person like me is your queen, you definitely make money."

Zhan TianAng is used to Yu Qingyu's narcissism from time to time. He hears his speech and says, "yes, I earned it. In order to make up for Qingyu, let me serve Qingyu well."

"With the mouth?" Yu Qingyu suddenly said.

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