Yu Ze nodded, "OK, I know!" He took a washcloth and walked towards Yu Qingyu.

Yu Ze cleaned up the bathroom and lay down on the bed with Yu Qingyu in his arms. He suddenly jumped up and held Yu Qingyu in front of his eyes: "I just asked you if you didn't want to wash your face towel, did you nod?"

Yu Qingyu was held by Yu Ze like this, he couldn't nod his head and winked at him.

Yu Ze looked at Yu Qingyu did not respond and breathed a sigh of relief. "I was scared to death. I thought I bought a pig demon."

Yu Qingyu said: Pig demon is not a little ugly, always feel and second elder martial brother like.

Gao Zhixiang once again said: "Dahua, you return the pig. I heard that pigs like to bite things blindly. I'm a new computer. What if it's broken?"

Another roommate also said, "Dahua, you see, you've got all the water in the bathroom today. We have to wait for you to finish cleaning up. How much trouble is it?"

In fact, Lin Qiang does not agree with Yu Ze raising pigs in the dormitory, but there are two people who have said that he said that there is a sense of coercion, so he did not say anything.

Yu Ze didn't get angry after listening to their words, but said with confidence: "wait, tomorrow you will know the benefits of my little Xiang pig. I'm afraid you will also want to raise one..."

After all, they have lived together for a long time. Although Yu Ze is not reliable at ordinary times, most of his words are still true.

Li Yu pushed the dog one by one. He looked at the door of the opposite dormitory with a malevolent eye. He bit his teeth and said, "Yuze, you wait for me!"

the next day, Lin Qiang and others went back to the dormitory and found that there were several more girls in the dormitory, all of them chatting around Yu Ze.

You can hear words like "lovely", "cute" and "really comfortable to touch".

They looked at each other and went in.

A group of girls who did not find three boys came in, but Yu Ze was always paying attention to the door. When he saw them coming in, the corners of his mouth raised: "ladies, other dads of our little Xiang pig are coming, don't you hurry to get to know each other?" at the same time, he winked at Lin Qiang and others.

Lin Qiang and others looked at their sister, one by one hung a full smile, very attentive.

Li Yu stood at the gate of 403 dormitory. Seeing this scene, he kicked the door and turned back to his dormitory.

By what? Why does he even raise a pig, there are people around to please him, so disgusting animals that have his little white good, a group of ignorant women, all pigs as treasure, why not all become pigs.

Yu Qingyu's days passed slowly with his sister coming to watch every day. During this period, he also harvested the ordinary to the extreme name, Xiaohua.

This is the name of 403 dormitory except for the collective consent of Yu Ze.

You ask why you want to call Xiaohua, because Yuze is a big flower. Isn't his pet Xiaohua a good match?

Yu Ze's vision of Yu Qingyu is getting hotter and hotter recently. He always thinks that Xiaohua can understand all of them, but sometimes he is very stupid, and he is very tangled.

Will Yu Qingyu tell him that he did it on purpose? Of course not. It's revenge to let him not believe that he can understand him at first.

Today's midnight is the day of the last outbreak, Yu Qingyu biting Yu Ze's trousers and pulling him to the door.

"Well, what do you want to do, Xiaohua? I don't want to go out today. "

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