Yuqing Yule's no one bothered him. He quickly put away all the things on the first floor of the basement. After all, he just ran around the corridor for a few times, and the tip of his tail swept the shelves in rows. It was very simple.

The whole process took at most 10 minutes, and Yu Qingyu ran to the first floor again.

Yu Ze chased Yu Qingyu into the shopping mall, but he couldn't find his figure in the blink of an eye, so he chopped his feet.

"Run so fast and be reborn? Br >

, when you say this, you go straight to the supermarket to catch the meat.

Xiaohua loves fruit best. He will come here first.

If yu Qingyu knew what he thought, he would turn his eyes. Who said that he liked to eat fruit. What he liked was meat. If you didn't buy meat every day, you could only eat fruit.

There is a woman stopped in Ze, tone panic said: "handsome boy, you don't go inside, there are eating monsters, run quickly!"

Yu Ze is confused for a moment. Is this the latest method of chatting up?

He had not seen it before, so he put on a posture that he thought he was handsome and split the sky. He lifted his forehead and left the sea, and his eyes inclined to look at the woman: "beauty, brother, I can eat people, do you want to try it?"

woman:... " How can you be mentally retarded if you are so handsome?

Staring at Yu Ze, she ran to the door quickly, trying to find her dead. She didn't want to remind him if he was not handsome.

He knew that no one could appreciate his excellence.

Yu Qingyu: are you outstanding? You're just like a hooligan!

Yuze goes all the way, all the people around him are crowded to run out. Those who are kind will remind him to run quickly, and those who are violent will push him when he gets in the way.

Yu Ze was squeezed out of the supermarket by the stream of people in the unclear situation.

There is a "whine" of the police sounded, the crowd seems to have found the backbone, a few times the police car surrounded a tight.

Yu Qingyu finished collecting the last warehouse in the empty supermarket and ran out with satisfaction.

As soon as I came out, I saw the armed police with guns getting out of the car.

Sleeping trough! It's a big problem. The armed police are all out. We should hide quickly.

Yu Qingyu quickly ran to the crowd, and all of them felt a dark shadow flashed by and jumped up one after another.

"Ah, ah! Here comes the monster

"Help! police! Here, here

"Sleeping trough NIMA! Who has stepped on the feet of labor and capital! "

"Ah! I lost my cell phone! "


Just now, the police fired a gun to the sky and finally pacified the rioting crowd. Yu Qingyu stirred up the riot again.

There are women and children crying, men's curse, all kinds of pain.

Yu Qingyu shuttles in the middle of human legs. Yu Qingyu is not as big as a cat. She sniffs the smell and goes to the direction of Yu Ze.

Yu Ze was crowded in the crowd, with 10000 grass mud horses galloping past.

This is a pure disaster. It's all caused by little flowers. When you find him, you have to beat his little ass.

Feeling the leg of pants pulled, Yu Ze lowered his head on two black eyes.

Pulling his pants is not Yu Qingyu, who is Yu Ze's stuffy foot kicking Yu Qingyu, "do you still know to come back?"

Yu Qingyu said: Labor and capital work hard to collect materials. Do you even kick labor and capital?

tear Yuze's pants hard and run in the direction of the school.

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