The monitoring of shopping malls clearly photographed all the behaviors of the shadow, but they couldn't see what the shadow was.

"Captain Shang, slow down and have a look!" The person in charge of the shopping mall couldn't help but say.

When such a big thing happened, the person in charge of the shopping mall almost cried. At that time, he lost millions of goods. The money of those goods still owes to the supplier. Without this batch of goods, there is no money for the supplier. These people will not tear him up.

The so-called caravan leader didn't lift his head. He slapped his hands on the keyboard, and an enlarged version of yuqingyu pig appeared on the computer screen.

The piglet has a white belly and four white hooves, a black head, a fleshy nose, a pinch of white eyebrows, and a black skin in the shape of flowers on its back, which extends to the tail. It is quite handsome to run.

Everyone was shocked that the black shadow was actually a pig, so each face appeared as if it was a dog in the sun.

It's easy to know what the shadow is. First of all, we need to find out how many pigs are raised nearby, and then find out how many piglets are in line with this appearance. This still excludes the fact that the piglets are wild. In short, the people who are on the police tonight will not be able to sleep.

According to the law, there is no danger here. The armed police should go back, but the head of the caravan doesn't think so. He thinks that the pig is so fast that ordinary people can't cope with it. He reports to the superior and takes his teammates to the nearby police station, waiting to find out where the pig is and then bring people to capture it.

Yu Ze takes Yu Qingyu back home. Several roommates in the dormitory are still eating chicken. With a stiff face, he wipes Yu Qingyu's body and puts it on the bed. Without looking at him, he turns around and sits in front of the table.

Yu Qingyu is also lazy to manage his small emotions, he just want to sleep, so closed his eyes.

A red light covered the whole earth. A meteorite with disaster fell on the earth and made a huge noise. People living nearby were awakened by the sound.

The next moment, they found that the people in front of them were not the people they were familiar with any more. They all turned into cannibalism.

His eyes are protruding, and there is only a small black spot in his eyes. All other places are white eyes. His skin is blue and white. Purple black blood vessel roots emerge on the skin. His mouth grows sharp teeth like dog teeth. His fingernails grow long and black, hard as iron.

Yu Qingyu woke up when the red light covered the earth.

He opened his eyes to see the red fog outside the window, did not wake up in Ze.

It's useless for him to wake up. Let him sleep for the last time.

Outside the door came banging on the door, 403 dormitory people were all noisy.

The roommate who lived by the door was very angry. He closed his eyes and yelled, "what knock? Don't you know it's in the middle of the night?"

There was a pause at the door, and then it became more intense.

Zheng Chong jumped out of bed and was about to open the door.

Suddenly, a shrill cry came from outside the door: "ah! Help! The monster eats people!

"help! Kill

Zheng Chongshen hesitated to the doorknob's hand. If there is a murderer killing, can he stop it?

But if he doesn't go out, he is uneasy. After all, it is a human life, "Dahua, Qiangzi, Laogao, let's go out together!"

Yu Ze and several others jumped out of bed and opened the door with a mop

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