what the fuck! Li Yu, you dare to have a black hand. Wait for me! Yu Ze's temper doesn't mean I'm also good tempered. Scold me in front of me, but also scold him. Labor can't bite you!

Li Yu saw that he couldn't make a strike, and then controlled the sharp knife to stab Yu Qingyu.

Yu Ze was in a hurry and reached out to block the sharp knife. Suddenly, a flame burst out of his hand. The flame was red, and the sharp knife disappeared in the flame.

"Big flower, you also awakened the power?" Lin Qiang said pleasantly.

Yu Ze picked up Yu Qingyu and touched her placidly. His eyes looked at Li Yu without emotion. "Why?"

under such eyes, Li Yu suddenly regretted killing the pig, but he pretended to roar: "why? You say why? Now we can't go out. Have you ever thought about what we eat?"

"so you're going to kill my little flower "

Li Yu's eyes flashed:" of course, he wants to eat food when he is alive, but we can treat him as food when he is dead. "

"Then why don't you die? You need food to live." Yu Ze said lightly, as if to let Li Yu die is a common thing.

Li Yu was impatient: "you even compare me with pigs? Yu Ze, don't go too far! Ask them whether I am important or pigs are important?"

"OK, OK, now we have food. Xiaohua is so cute, we won't eat him, is it Li Yu?" Lin Qiang put his hand on Li Yu's shoulder and made some efforts while talking.

Li Yu legs shaking, face a pair of "I don't care about the appearance of people like you" cold hum a sit on the bed of Lin Qiang.

People with a clear eye can see Li Yu's advice at a glance, but no one has said it.

Li Yu is also glad that Lin Qiang has freed him from the siege. He knows that although he has awakened his powers, he can't beat him at all from the fire just sent out by Yu Ze. It's better to step back.

Yu Ze saw that Li Yu left without any further investigation. A hand touched Yu Qingyu's head and said in a low voice, "are you stupid? Why do you bite him? If he wants to say it, let him say it. We will be a mad dog barking."

Yu Qingyu is expressionless and doesn't respond to Yu Ze's words. In fact, he just thinks that Yu Zeming only awakens the ice power in the original plot. Now how can he awaken the fire system first, and the fire It's like a unicorn fire.

Did he bring his fire to the world? Ha ha That's really good.

With Kirin fire, ask who is his opponent in the world? Hum Who else is there?

Yu Ze held Yu Qingyu in his face and said, "Xiaohua, are you laughing?"

Yu Qingyu's laughter stopped abruptly. When he didn't notice the pig's cry, he was found out what to do? Online, etc., very anxious.

It was dawn and there was no sound in the corridor. Several people decided to go out and have a look.

Walking in front of Li Yu, Lin Qiang several people followed, with a broom in his hand and the removed table leg, Yu Ze holding Yu Qingyu followed behind.

For Yu Ze to go out with a little flower, other people do not agree, but they can't resist Yu Ze.

Yu Ze held Yu Qingyu in his arms like that. He looked at several people quietly in his eyes. He looked like "whatever you say, anyway, I don't listen". Finally, he became the present formation.

Li Yu several people appeared in the corridor, the corridor of those scattered free zombies immediately surrounded from all directions.

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