The side of the supermarket next to the gate is a half person high wall with glass on it. It is convenient for students to see the things in the supermarket. At the moment, the glass has been broken.

The door of the supermarket is an iron door, because zombies can't climb over the wall. It's safe for the survivors to hide in it. Moreover, there is a pile of materials in front of each person. Obviously, there is no shortage of food for the time being.

Yu Ze carelessly cleans up the zombies surrounded by him, and walks towards the gate.

Finally, someone in the supermarket couldn't help saying, "come with us, classmate."

Yu Ze looked at the speaker with a gentle smile: "why?"

the male student who spoke naturally said: "how safe are people?"

Yu Ze's neuropathy again made a stir and left in the sea: "I'm safe on my own, and I'm going to save my sister's paper. Do you want to come together?"

All male students:.... " Isn't life important now? What sister paper to save?

however, no one said it, but most of them had this meaning on their expressions. Only three or four people came out to say that they would go with Yu Ze to save Mei paper.

These are probably people who have girlfriends. Their expressions show that they are worried about what Yu Ze said.

When Yu Ze saw several people coming out, he said with a smile, "I can only protect sister paper, but not you. Are you sure you want to go with me?"

Several people hesitated for a moment. Originally, they dared to go together when they saw Yuze killing zombies easily. Now Yuze said that if they didn't protect them, they certainly did not dare to go.

Only one person resolutely came out, "stay here is also waiting for death, but even if I die, I also hope I can die with her, classmate, let's go!"

Yu Ze showed a sincere smile to the boy who came out of the iron tower, "let's go."

There are fewer zombies in girls' dormitories than in boys' dormitories, but if you hear a crash at the entrance of the dormitories, it means the zombies are locked in the dormitories.

The reason why there are so many zombies in boys' dormitories is not that boys don't lock the doors when they sleep, but girls' dormitories are different. Few do not lock doors, and zombies do not open doors, so they are all locked in dormitories.

They all the way to the dormitory 307 where the boy is looking for his girlfriend. There is no sound inside.

The iron tower boy Zhang Xin knocked on the door, but there was no sound in the door. Zhang Xin tried to push the door but didn't open it. He looked at Yu Ze for help.

Yu Ze eyebrows a pick, the corner of the mouth hook up a smile, a group of fire accurately burned a hole in the lock position.

They pushed the door to enter. The first thing they saw was a zombie lying on the ground. The zombie had only a body and no head.

Yu Ze strides over the zombie and looks into the room, and finally concludes that the person must be hiding in the bathroom.

The door of the toilet is opened by Yuze rufa, and the door is a zombie's head with wide open mouth and white eyes. A fire is emitted conditionally, which burns the head of the zombie.

There are two girls in the corner of the bathroom. I don't know whether they are alive or dead.

Zhang Xin went to check on two girls. Yu Ze lowered his head and stroked Yu Qingyu. He didn't dare to be interested in other people's girlfriends.

Yu Qingyu is enjoying the comfort of Yu Ze's fingers. Squinting happily, he suddenly hears Yu Ze say, "Xiaohua, are you fat? Why is it so heavy today

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