"Xiaohua, what should I do now?"

Yu Qingyu took out the life-threatening pearl from the space stone and let Yu Ze hold it. He also taught Yu Ze a pithy formula and asked Yu Ze to bleed him to absorb it.

The moment the black bead touches the blood, it turns blood red in an instant, and there are several wisps of black gas in the center, trying to break through the bead.

After Yu Qingyu stopped bleeding, the bead turned back to the dark color.

Yu Ze was stunned. He thought it was good to have a monster lady. He could let him see such a strange scene.

"Now you sprinkle a circle of your blood around the zombie heap, chanting a spell while sprinkling." After saying that, Yu Qingyu fixed to look at Yu Ze, "do you really want to do it? Zombies, if they don't work, use your life span. "

Yu Ze grinned and condensed a skate to his wrist, and the blood immediately surged out, "this is my determination!"

Yu Qingyu pressed down the feeling of worshipping at the bottom of his heart and crawled on the ground to absorb the spirit which had not been dissipated much here.

His body is just a normal body. If he doesn't absorb some aura to protect his life, he is afraid that he will hang up before the end of the transformation.

Yu Ze's one hand is hanging, letting the blood drip from his fingers to the ground. The lethal bead in his other hand slowly turns from black to red, shaking in his hand.

Yu Ze tightly holds the life-threatening pearl, and Xiaohua says that he can't let go of this hand before his blood is spilled, otherwise they will both die.

In front of his eyes clear vision gradually become blurred, the right hand vibration frequency is more and more big, he is about to grasp.

But think of floret, he gritted his teeth, success or failure in one fell swoop, he never give up!

Even if tens of thousands of zombies were piled into a pile, it was a large area. How much blood would Yu Ze have to put into order to circle this large area?

Yu Ze felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, his hands were less and less powerful, and his feet were as heavy as a thousand pounds of iron, so it was difficult to lift them.

He saw the front crawling there waiting for him floret, he could not give up! No!

Finally, Yu Ze walks to Yu Qingyu. At the moment, he can't be regarded as walking. Climbing may be more appropriate.

His white coat was covered with dust and blood, and his trousers had a hole. From the hole, he could see that his knees were dripping with blood.

He fell heavily in front of Yu Qingyu, with a smile in his mouth and looked at him gently. The life-threatening pearl in his hand broke free and flew to the top of tens of thousands of zombies.

Yu Qingyu opened his eyes and looked up at the sky. The red light was emitted by the lethal bead, and the blood around him also emitted red light. All the light emitted by the lethal bead was locked in the circle.

The zombie disappeared quickly with the naked eye, leaving only tattered and smelly clothes.

Yu Ze has been in a coma in the past. He is on the verge of death due to excessive blood loss, and his breath is getting weaker and weaker.

Yu Qingyu ignored the scene in the air, took out a bottle of pills from the space stone, tore off the bottle stopper with his mouth, and took the bottle to Yuze's mouth.

Comatose Yu Ze tightly closed mouth, eyebrows wrinkled, pale face, as if a careless will be broken porcelain doll.

Yu Qingyu was in a hurry. Her eyes were sour. The medicine in her mouth almost fell off. She couldn't feed the medicine in. Yuze died.

All blame him. There are so many panacea, why don't you give Yu Ze some. If he took the medicine when bleeding just now, he would not look like this at the moment.

It's all him. He has been careless and does what he wants to do. He has no plan at all. He is lazy and uses his brain to harm Yu Ze like this!

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