"System God, is this the legendary animal Neidan?"

The system returned him a squint [King's contempt] expression pack.

Isn't this a stupid system?

, it means that he can't absorb more facial expressions than his inner hair bag.

Most animals can't get through this situation and often die. Some of them are lucky enough to transform themselves into human beings.

Once they die, as long as they don't explode the internal alchemy, then the internal alchemy is a thing without owner. Any person or animal can refine and directly absorb the inner elixir's spiritual power. However, the inner elixir's spiritual power is only one tenth of that before life, but it is much faster than self cultivation.

Yu Qingyu took the pill and fell into a deep thought. Whether the spiritual power can be absorbed or not? If it doesn't, it will change into shape. I don't know when and when. If there is no internal elixir for him to absorb in the future, what should he do? You know, absorbing this stuff is addictive.

Compare Neidan to a large pot of stewed pork, then self-cultivation is to eat roadside weeds. There is a big difference between the two. Can you bear to eat only roadside weeds for hundreds of years after eating braised pork? If you can't adjust your mind for a while, it's easy to be possessed by the devil, and you may die early.

Thinking of these disadvantages, Yu Qingyu carefully put away Neidan. He was afraid that he could not control his desire. He would better wait until he could make sure that he could get Neidan later.

The next day, Lu Yao didn't come to see him all day, but Yu Qingyu saw him several times as many people today because of yesterday's Micro blog. Yu Qingyu lay on a pile of bamboo to practice, and didn't want to pay attention to the people who had been watching him all the time.

"Why are the flowers not skinny today? I'm going to laugh to death when I saw the photos yesterday. I'm looking at it today. Why doesn't he move? "

"Yesterday, Duoduo was not angry, so I didn't feel aggrieved

"You are content! Who doesn't know that every flower can hide from others. It was impossible to see it before. Today, it is willing to lie there for us to see. That's enough. Don't ask too much. "

"But the blossoms were lively yesterday?"

"I guess it's the girl's act of taking pictures that makes the flowers angry, so the flowers get angry."

"What you said is very reasonable."

"What you said is very reasonable + 1"

"what you said is very reasonable + 2"

"what you said is very reasonable + 10086"


Yu Qingyu listened to their words and silently rolled his eyes. It was clear that he just wanted to scare a little girl. How did he become angry that he hated taking pictures?

Forget it! Forget it! It's none of his business. You'd better pay close attention to cultivation, and then you can eat meat.


Lu Yao wore a bandage around his head to see Yu Qingyu. He also carried a box in his hand. He walked slowly and his posture was not straight enough.

When Yu Qingyu saw his image, he suddenly fell to the ground with a smile and said, "Hoo ho..." The voice of Lu Yao is really like a refugee. Ha ha

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