The auctioneer exclaimed excitedly, "four million for the first time."

"Four million for the second time."

Joseph looked at Lu Yao and glared at him angrily. Lu Yao's expression seemed to be the gesture that he would break up if he raised his cards again. After all, he put down the hand that was going to raise the card. He was afraid that Lu Yao would never pay attention to him in the future. This time Will it be OK to transfer some money to him later? Will Are you OK?

"Four million for the third time." Dong The auctioneer knocked down the decision hammer. At this moment, both the auctioneer and Lu Yao were happy. The auctioneer was happy because he had another large commission. Lu Yao was happy because he finally brought back the beads he wanted. They nodded to each other happily.

After getting the beads, Lu Yao did not intend to say a word to Joseph. He drove away from the back door in a hurry.

Looking at the name of Joseph flickering on the mobile phone, Lu Yao severely pressed the hang up, hum! At ordinary times, he can let him do anything, but this time he can't. this is what Duoduo wants. Lu Yao is surprised by this idea. Is it that the blossoms are more important than his friends in his heart?

Lu Yao laughs and shakes his head and gets out of the car. He will be treated as a pet!

Joseph looked at the hung up phone, his mouth showed a bitter smile, what is his name, oh! yes! In China, it's hard to please! It seems that he needs to adjust his method of chasing small land.

"Duoduo, what have I brought you?"

Yu Qingyu raised his head from a pile of bamboo, with two bamboo leaves hanging in the corner of his mouth.

Lu Yao opened a smile and walked slowly towards Yu Qingyu.

"Look, do you like it?"

Yu Qingyu looked at the missing inner elixir in the box. He was very happy and jumped at Lu Yao. If Lu Yao could find him more endosulfan, he would not be far away from him.

"Ah! Duoduo, get up, crush me, ha ha Don't rub your nest, ha ha Get up, bud. I know you're happy

Yu Qingyu rubbed for a long time before Lu Yao got down from him. Lu Yao had already laughed to the point of losing his strength. His eyes were filled with tears of rationality. His face was red and attractive. Yu Qingyu was stunned when he looked at him like this.

Lu Yao took a few breaths and saw Yu Qingyu staring at him motionless, "Duoduo, what's the matter with you?"

Yu Qingyu suddenly blushed. How could he look at a man? He's straight.

"Ah..." The system suddenly sounds.

Yu Qingyu was angry, "system, what do you mean? Am I not a straight man

The system throws you a "if you're happy" and says it doesn't want to talk to you.

"System, can you explain it to me?"

The system replied...

Yu Qingyu said: that 's ok! You are a cow!

Yu Qingyu's communication with the system is only for a moment. Looking at Lu Yao with his pale golden eyes, he can't help feeling guilty. He seems to have no desire to make a girlfriend when he is 25 years old. Look, is he always Is it curved? This was embarrassing. Fortunately, he had thick hair, and Lu Yao could not see Yu Qingyu's face.

Yu Qingyu shook his head gently, saying that he was OK and picked up the Nei Dan which they had discarded in one side.

"Do you like it?" Lu Yao saw Yu Qingyu pick up the Pearl and look at Yu Qingyu with a look of praise.

Yu Qingyu nodded and glanced at Lu Yao quietly. Seeing the corner of his mouth, he couldn't help laughing, fool!

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