"No! Radbiel, you can't do this. You're betraying God. You'll go to hell after you die. You can't do this She cried.

Radbiel said calmly, "mother, do you want me to die? If that's what you want to see, then I won't do this deal with the devil. I just don't want you to lose your child, and I don't want to die. "

"No!" The woman covered her mouth and cried bitterly. She didn't want to betray God. She didn't want her child to die, but What can she do? She's just an incompetent woman. She can't do anything.

Yu Qingyu has never had any faith. His belief is only alive. Seeing the woman suffering so much, he felt a little unbearable in his heart. "Madam, if you think that radbiel has betrayed your faith with a demon, then I will leave and you will treat me as if I have not been here."

The woman looked at the child who had been so thin for a few days, and then looked at the noble jade Qingyu sitting on the window. She finally made up her mind. She put down radbiel and kowtowed to Yu Qingyu. Her voice was hoarse, "please, help him. I only want him to live, as long as he lives!"

"Mother, I love you," radbiel said in a weak voice Then he fainted.

Yu Qingyu jumped down from the window and grabbed the boy's collar and picked him up. "I'll take him away. I'll make sure he'll live well. Someone will arrange for you later." Waiting for the woman to speak, Yu Qingyu flew out of the window with the boy.

The woman got up and chased for two steps, tears kept on, "you should be good, you should be good!"

Yu Qingyu took the boy to an abandoned house in the village. He stretched out his hand and cut his limbs and neck. The thick blood flowed out of his body, slightly with purple black.

Yu Qingyu curled his lips. He knew that it must be poison. If the plague had happened, the village would have been ruined. He couldn't wait for him to rescue him.

When his blood flow was almost the same, Yu Qingyu fed him some of his own blood, turned out to go out and brought back a few boys. The same technique was used on those boys.

After a whole day, there are more than a dozen children in the broken house. These are all the children alive in this village.

The sun set again. Yu Qingyu watched radbiel, who was the first to wake up, waved his hand to show him to stand aside. Radbiel stood in the corner of the wall with a good eye and didn't say a word, but he was very surprised at his current physical condition. Although he tried to hide the look on his face, he could still see that he was very excited.

Gradually those children wake up, some confused, some afraid, some fearless.

Yu Qingyu didn't care what their mood was. Without him, all these children would die. He clapped his hands and said, "all stand by me."

Children, look at me, I see you finally raised to stand in front of Yu Qingyu. Compared with those children, radbiel's performance can be said to be very calm, fearless and calm to stand in the leading position.

Yu Qingyu glanced at the children, and his eyes fell on radbiel. "I know that the oldest of you is only 15 years old, and the youngest is only eight or nine years old. But you'd better remember what I said next.

I have brought you back from the brink of death, so your lives are mine, and you must obey my orders in the future. If you dare not listen, I will kill you

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