"You fart! We'd rather die than agree to your terms

"President! Don't promise him, if there are no hunters, more people will die in the world

"President, we die when we die, but we can't be human sinners!"

Groaney, "you liar! Give up! Even if the president promised you, I will kill you

"Groni, you've finally let me look up at you. You're really stupid," lavsky said coldly

Instead of talking back to him as usual, groney said with tears on his face, "I know I'm stupid. Otherwise, how could I eat something from a stranger? It's a truth that children all know. I'm stupid! It's me! Wuwu... "

Lavsky raised his hand hard, put it on her head and kneaded it. "Don't be so stupid. You'll be sold back to the number of people."

Groyne nodded and cried. The blood in the corner of her mouth made her look more pitiful. Lavsky's iron heart suddenly softened for a moment, and she broke her head over her shoulder.

The vice president calmly said: "you see, we can't agree, which is afraid of death!"

Yu Qingyu picked up his eyebrows and was not angry. Instead, he continued, "what can you promise?"

The vice president thought for a moment and said, "take out the antidote. I promise that this time it will be over and no one will go after you today."

Yu Qingyu snorted coldly: "do you think I am particularly stupid? More stupid than groyne? "

The vice president doesn't speak, and he has nothing to say. He might as well take these people to death if he deals with demons, which must be the same with those hunters.

After waiting for a while, the vice president didn't speak. Yu Qingyu was a little anxious. He didn't want to waste too much time here. Although the taste was very charming, he had to go to see what happened to those children in the evening, and whether he could take on the backbone of his blood family.

He knocked on the table and said, "God can't save you poison for another hour. Are you sure you don't agree with my conditions?"

Vice President: "no! Unless you lower your requirements. "

"OK, it's just to lower the requirements, lower the requirements, but definitely not as you said. How about this..."

Half an hour later, Yu Qingyu and the vice president finally succeeded in the negotiation.

Yu Qingyu used the antidote for a month of free time. In this month, no matter what happened to the blood clan, the hunter was not allowed to intervene, unless it was a dead person.

The blood clan will not kill the hunter within a month after seeing the hunter, otherwise the hunter is the same.

What's more, what happened today was written off. The hunter didn't care that Yu Qingyu killed several people and let him go safely.

Yu Qingyu took out a pill and said, "put this in the water. You can take a few drinks. I'm going."

Vice President gritted his teeth, unwilling to see Yu Qingyu out of the door.

"President, why do you promise him? What if several people die in a month?"

"President, we are human beings. We became hunters to hunt vampires. Now we want us to watch vampires kill humans, and we don't care?"

Vice President angrily glared at the person who said, "what do you know? Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand."

"President, you can't do this. Our existence is to hunt and kill vampires and protect human beings. Now we let vampires hunt our kind. Are we still human?"

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