Yu Qingyu was awakened by Sheng Sheng's kiss. He opened his eyes and was not surprised to push Fred away: "how long have I been sleeping?"

"You have been sleeping for ten days."

"Oh, that's OK. It's not too late." Yu Qingyu got up and dressed and walked out of Fred's room.

Frederick: -- Is there something wrong with this development?

He was ready to be beaten up. I didn't expect to let him go so easily. You ask why he is sure that Yu Qingyu won't kill him. It's because he didn't kill him last time. Of course, it's impossible this time.

"What are you doing? Come down quickly From the stairs came the cry of Yu Qingyu.

"Now, now." Fred hastened back.

Fred dressed up in a hurry and went downstairs to see that there were several times more people in the hall than usual.

Yu Qingyu sat on the rare throne in the hall of the castle and looked at the people below. His face was serious and his whole body was full of King's breath. He couldn't help but kneel down and submit to him.

Fred didn't show his difference on such an occasion. He took a seat and sat down. In a short time, there were several blood clans in the hall.

These people looked very proud and had no respect for Edward, but they sat down in twos and threes.

Yu Qingyu looks at all the blood clan high-level below, can't help but want to send out exclamation.

In this life, who knows what will happen to him, just like him, an ordinary wage earner, he still has a day when he becomes the actual authority of a race. It's hard to predict his fate!

"I don't know why his Highness has called us together today?" a pure blood clan first asked.

Yu Qingyu raised his hand, motioned them not to speak for the time being. He asked that the blood clan's face became ugly at that time. What kind of spectrum did a prince who had been sleeping for countless years.

Just as he was about to stand up and choke with the prince, he was pulled by the people next to him, "don't make a fuss. No matter how he is, he is also a prince, and we are just the Earls who have lived for a long time, but we can't fight him."

The man snorted, was to agree with his words, and obediently sat back.

"See your highness." Irina came in from the door and saluted Yu Qingyu.

Yu Qingyu raised his hand to help him, "OK, tell me about the situation of blood clan now."

"Yes." Irina gave a crisp answer, turned to look at the blood clan sitting at the bottom of the table and took a breath. "As we all know, our blood clan and the hunter Union have had thousands of years of gratitude and resentment, but now the hunter Union has asked to negotiate with us. This time, she wants to know what opinions and good ideas you have about the peace talks."

-- negotiation? Who's going to negotiate with the hunter? I won't screw his head. "

- "why do we have to negotiate? We should attack the Royal Palace and rule the Kingdom while we are powerful."

- "never negotiate. Human beings don't have a good thing. They still don't count on their words."


Under the quarrel became a group, Yu Qingyu supported his forehead to listen, suddenly he patted the chair, "OK, all shut up!" After a pause, he said, "the negotiation must be discussed. As for the ruling Kingdom, don't mention it in the future. Do you think that human beings will be obedient and let the blood race rule? That's impossible.

Human beings are not as healthy as we are, nor as long as we are, but you should know that the world is ultimately dominated by human beings. "

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