"It's OK. I'm used to it."

The emperor, dressed in bright yellow clothes, sat on a high seat, enjoying the dance below, and from time to time he took a sip of his wine glass, observing the ministers and Hainan envoys from the corner of his eyes.

The upright Prince sits in the first place, his eyebrows slanting into the temples, and his high nose casts a large shadow under the candlelight, blocking his half face.

He sat there quietly, as if all the noise around him had nothing to do with him. He held on to the glass lightly, and lifted a gentle smile from the corners of his mouth. He poured and drank from himself. He did not care about the admiring eyes of the noble girls around him.

"Sheng'er, is there a woman you like in today's banquet?" the emperor said abruptly.

He Liansheng put down his glass and made a collection to the emperor, "back to my father, nothing."

The emperor indulged in a smile, "you, you didn't like girls since childhood. How can you give me a little emperor and grandson in the future?"

He Liansheng said with a smile: "the father has so many sons, but he is worried that he has no grandchildren. However, he hears that his third brother's princess is pregnant. He must be able to hold his grandson immediately."

The emperor laughed and said, "excuse me. Can your children be the same as theirs? You are the prince. "

He Liansheng did not speak, but raised his glass to the emperor and drank it.

The emperor laughed when he saw his untidy appearance. He turned to the queen and said, "look at this sheng'er. I have spoiled him. He dares not to return."

The queen looked at him with an angry smile, "the emperor, please don't be angry. Isn't sheng'er relying on your favor? How dare he be without your favor? "

" ha ha, what the queen said is very true. Sheng'er is my favorite, and I'm willing to. "

After singing and dancing, the dancers step down in turn. On the left side, a middle-aged man comes out. He is wearing a jade crown and a blue robe. The material of the robe is extremely smooth, and folds up and down in the light. Every time he walks, it seems that the water flows.

"Hainan emissary has some strange things to offer to your majesty. I hope your majesty can enjoy your eyes."

"Oh, it's the Hainan emissary's gift. I'm glad to see it."

"Carry it up!" the emissary waved his hand at the gate of the hall.

Yu Qingyu was immediately covered with a black cloth and lifted up.

In the process of a few steps, Yu Qingyu was released again. He moved his body, and the fish tail beat the sound in the big box.

"Your Majesty, please see, this is what I want to give your Majesty in Hainan. I don't know if the prince here dares to come forward and uncover the cloth."

Just at this time, Yu Qingyu moved his fish tail and made a sound of water.

The emperor's face sank in an instant. The Hainan emissary was so careless. What if the cloth was pulled down and it was a fierce beast that hurt people?

Although he had several sons, he didn't want them to die.

"Hainan emissary, what do you mean?"

when the Hainan emissary bowed, his face was covered with an apologetic smile. "Your Majesty, since no one dares to come up and uncover the cloth, I will do it myself. I didn't expect that there is not a brave prince in the great Xia state."

"Wait a minute!" he Liansheng got up slowly. "Who says that I have no courage in the country of Daxia? Today, his highness Buben will uncover it."

"Sheng'er!" exclaimed the emperor.

He Liansheng turned back and gave the emperor a comforting expression and went to the big box covered with cloth.

Yu Qingyu's heart suddenly quickened. He felt that the scene was a bit like the unveiling of the veil after marriage. He couldn't help laughing.

The silver bell like voice with the unique clean and ethereal voice of the shark immediately bewildered all the people sitting there.

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