The emperor's eyebrows congealed, "jing'er, do you think that the beauty in this box?"

heliangjing: "Hui father is a special beauty."

He Liansheng turned his head and glared at Helian Jing. He was a troublemaker and a bad guy!

the emperor said with a smile, "I don't see what this beauty looks like. Come on, uncover it. I'll see how beautiful the man who can confuse our two sons is."

Soon, a quick acting eunuch came forward to uncover the cloth, and Yu Qingyu was displayed in front of the people again, which attracted many exclamations.

He slowly glanced at all the people, trying to remember what they looked like, which might be useful in the future.

This time, he Liansheng did not block the emperor's eyes. The emperor naturally took a clear look at Yu Qingyu. He stood up in awe, walked slowly down from the high position and turned around Yu Qingyu.

"It is said that there are mackerel people outside the South China Sea. The water lives like a fish and does not waste weaving achievements. The Hainan emissary respectfully said, "my highness, I don't know whether he is a shark minister, but he is somewhat similar to the recorded one, but he is not as beautiful as he is."

"Interesting, interesting." The emperor sat back to the Dragon chair with a smile. "This strange thing is rare in the world. Since it is not different from that one, it will be regarded as a shark. How did you capture him?"

"my Lord, this is really lucky. A fishing boat just came out and picked up this injured strange thing. When he got well, he would send it to his majesty nonstop."

"Very good..."

He Liansheng looked at the emperor who had exchanged greetings with the Hainan emissary. If he didn't ask for the shark to come here today, he would have to go into the Treasury according to the rules. Although a person can't enter the Treasury, he must be under the key custody. At that time, there are so many people in the back palace staring at him, it will be more difficult for him to come out.

"Father, the son minister is very pleased with this mackerel. Would you like to give him this man?"

He Lianjing, the third prince, knelt down with courage, "father, son and minister are also very pleased with this shark. Please The father gave it to his son. "

The emperor always loves the crown prince, and he will keep anything good for him. Although the third prince is addicted to female sex and catches chickens and dogs all day, he never cares about the Dragon chair under his buttocks, and the emperor dotes on him more.

The two sons asked him for this shark, but he didn't want to give it. He always gave them to whoever he wanted. How could they give them as soon as they asked. Did he want the dignity of the emperor?

The emperor patted the Dragon chair: "wanton! This matter will be discussed later. "

"Yes." They both stood up and sat back to their seats.

He Liansheng grinned his teeth and glared at heliangjing. His fingers held tightly. Seeing several people carrying Yu Qingyu away, his heart flew away.

Yu Qingyu was put into a large pool of water. There were several guards around the pool. A dog collar was put around his neck, and the other end was locked on a big stone.

Yu Qingyu curled his lips. If he really wanted to run, he would not be trapped by these things. The only thing that bothered him was that he was tied like a dog. It was insulting. He didn't treat him as a person. He was very angry.

"OK, system, now pass the story to me!"

The system gave a sound, and Yu Qingyu felt that there were a lot of memories in his mind.

The original owner was a shark living in the deep sea. His father was the king of them. He was the youngest son of his father.

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