"Come on, drive east palace!"

He Liansheng sat on the imperial chair, exhaled and inhaled, and finally calmed down the fluctuation in his heart. He heard the voice of the emperor's driving outside. He quickly stood up and went out, "hurry, hurry, and get rid of these things."

The maids are quick to take brooms, kneel down to wipe the floor, open windows for ventilation, and put on new tea sets In a moment, it has returned to its usual appearance. Except for the slightly wet ground, there is no sign of the mess just now.

"Welcome my father."

The emperor Xu gave him a hand, "get up." As he walked in, he Liansheng bowed his head and followed.

After entering the room and serving tea, the emperor took a sip of tea, put down his cup and said, "I heard that you were angry when you came back from the shark, but what happened?"

he Liansheng bowed his hand, "it's nothing important to go back to my father. It's just that the children's ministers are upset for a moment and smash some things to hear."

Emperor: Is I stupid?

the emperor sighed, "sheng'er, you are too big. There are some things you don't want to tell me. I don't care, but you should remember that you should not be angry and angry when you are a king."

"Yes, my son wrote it down." He Liansheng replied respectfully.

After the emperor left, he Liansheng's face was gloomy, and his tone suppressed his anger, "come on."

Close to the eunuch three Shun son steps gently forward, "listen to the prince's orders."

"Go and take good care of the east palace. Do you have to fart in this palace? The whole palace knows you will serve snacks. After checking, you will get the punishment."

"Yes." Sanshunzi a bitter face out of the door, in the end is which small hoof to the prince's message to the outside, do not want to live?

Yu Qingyu looked at all kinds of fish beside the pool, and he smoked. When he was a bucket, did he make so many? But they all look good. He'll try them.

After a sip, the fishy smell of the fish almost disappeared. Only the sweet and sour flavor reverberated in the mouth. Then his eyes brightened and he began to eat. The imperial chef in the palace did not really deserve his reputation. It was delicious!

After licking his lips, the corner of his eyes saw a man in a royal robe coming over. His steps were a little flighty. There was a light blue color under his eye socket and red blood in his eyes. He looked like he was overindulged.

The man was the third prince's son who had countless concubines. He walked straight over and walked around Yu Qingyu for a few times. His eyes were full of amazement. "Beautiful, too beautiful, how can there be such a beautiful person?"

Yu Qingyu gracefully threw him a white eye, moved back to the pool and dived into the water and buried himself completely under the water.

The water in the pool is more than two meters deep at most. Even if he is buried in the water, he can still be seen on the bank and even more charming through the water.

It was the first time that the third prince saw all the beauties in the water. He kept his mouth open and could not make a sound. He was obsessed with his eyes. When he saw the ugly appearance of the third prince, Qingyu laughed and shook his head to let his hair fly with the force.

The third prince lost his mind and walked toward Yuqing. "Putong" fell into the water. His clothes were all soaked in water. His hair was wet and stuck on his face. He was in a mess.

Yu Qingyu's clear jeer rang out. He swept the third prince with contempt from the corner of his eyes. He swam to the middle of the pool with his legs.

Although we can't kill him, it's OK to frighten him. I don't know if he will dare to come to see him in the future

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