He Liansheng:

He Liansheng endured the pain in his heart and opened a smile. "Qingyu, for the sake of my injury, are you good to me?"

Yu Qingyu took a look at him, and then took another look at him, "prince, how do I think you are so frightening? You are the prince. I hurt you like this. You should put me to death? How Such a pair Well, how to say, the appearance of neuropathy? "

he Liansheng also sighed sadly," yes! But... " He stopped for a moment, and looked at Yu Qingyu with his eyes shining. He said, "but I like you, I can't bear it."

The eyes that looked at him were so pure, the expression was so sincere, and there was also a trace of helplessness and doting. Yu Qingyu's heart fluttered uncontrollably. He looked at him, and his body gradually pressed down, getting closer and closer, just when the distance between them was no more than 10 cm

"Your Highness, it's time for us to go back!" the old general directly interrupted the interaction between them. In public, if something really happened to them, how would he explain to the emperor when he went back, the villain must be appropriate.

He Liansheng turned his head and glared at the old general, hum! Mind your own business!

Yu Qingyu straightened up and said, "help me, I can't stand up."

He Liansheng wanted to get up on his elbow, and Yu Qingyu pressed it on his face, "rest, you look like a sick chicken. Do you want to help me? I'm not afraid that I will crush you to death?"

He Liansheng: Why is Qingyu always so poisonous.

He Liansheng looked at the direction of Yu Qingyu's eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised. "Qingyu, you and I will go back with a carriage?"

Yu Qingyu nodded absentmindedly, "system, is this far from the river that leads to the sea?"

"It's not far. It's only a dozen miles south." The voice of the system was cold and angry.

"System, what's wrong with you? Doesn't sound very happy? "

" do you know that you almost died just like that? And what's the matter with you and the prince? "

Yu Qingyu made amends with a smile, "that I didn't mean to, did I? Besides, if I'm dead, this task is not finished. Just do the next one. Isn't that what you told me? As for the crown prince, the silly x, when he recaptured Liang Cheng, I went straight for an opportunity. No matter what happened to him, now it's not right to follow him a little bit and let him relax and be vigilant? "

the tone of doubt in the system rang out," is this really the case? "

"Otherwise?" Anyway, I believe it myself.

The system didn't speak. It seems that he agreed with Yu Qingyu.

"Qingyu, let's get on the bus." He Liansheng has been carried up by two people, lying on a broken board and looking at Yu Qingyu.

Yu Qingyu nodded and jumped. His tail was pressing on the ground. He stood there looking at his feet.

His dark brown robe was muddy on the ground, and there were sharp pebbles all over the place. If he jumped onto the carriage himself, his tail would be hurt.

He Liansheng has been carried onto the carriage. He turns to see Yu Qingyu standing on the ground looking at the ground with a trace of embarrassment on his face. He suddenly thinks that there is a tail under his robe.

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