He Liansheng also began to eat with his chopsticks. No one gave him food or cloth here. He had been used to feeding himself in the past few months. After several wars last night, he was also eating sweetly.

Looking at Yu Qingyu gnawing at a piece of meat, he suddenly felt that his slow and slow movement was incompatible with him. He suddenly threw away his chopsticks, grabbed a bone from the plate with his hand and chewed it with his big mouth.

Ha ha, this feeling is surprisingly good.

Yu Qingyu saw he Liansheng's action from the corner of his eye. His other hand grabbed a bone. His mouth quickened the speed of biting. No one wanted to grab meat with me!

he Liansheng burst into laughter when he saw Yu Qingyu's action. Qingyu, who protects food, is so cute.

A meal ends in the two people gobbling up. If anyone sees the prince wrapped only with a curtain around his waist, gnawing bone full of hand oil, and occasionally bravely dries out a glass of water, he will definitely suspect that the crown prince is too ungracious to change a person.

After dinner, the feeling in Yu Qingyu's body surged up again. He turned his eyes and fixed his eyes on he Liansheng's crotch.

He Liansheng felt a cold sensation coming out of his body. He pulled the cloth around his waist and said, "Qingyu, can you come up?"

Yu Qingyu shakes his head. Water is indispensable for the emotional period of a shark. If he leaves by force, his life will be shortened. In serious cases, his scales will be reduced. He will not grow again until next year's puberty. When he loses his hard scales, he is likely to be killed by other creatures in the sea.

Therefore, the shark's emotions are generally in the deep sea, only occasionally come out at night to breathe.

He Liansheng looked at his wrinkled toes and resolutely jumped down the pool. In order to clear Yu, even if his feet were rotten, he would like to.

After several rounds of lingering, he Liansheng went out and dressed neatly. He ordered people to carry a bath bucket and pour cold water into it. After that, he put Yu Qingyu in his arms and said, "Qingyu, wait for me to come back."

"Oh, in an hour, otherwise I think the chief bodyguard at the door is also very good-looking

He Liansheng clenched his teeth and bit him on the neck like punishment. "Dare I hit you in front of him."

Yu Qingyu sneered and didn't speak. He Liansheng said so harshly, but he certainly couldn't do it. He had nothing to worry about.

Old general half kneeling, "minister, Cavalry General Li Xing, see his highness prince, thousand years old, thousand years old."

"Excuse me, old general. What can I do for you?" The prince sat on the throne and drank a mouthful of tea slowly. He was elegant and expensive in every move. The prince's demeanor was obvious.

The old general stood up and said, "go back to your royal highness, Hainan was defeated in this battle. I thought we should take advantage of the victory to win back Liangcheng."

He Liansheng solemnly said: "what the old general said is reasonable. Although we don't know how to fight a war, we know that the old general is the most heroic general in our summer. He has won countless wars. We believe in the general, and all generals are the masters."

The old general was worried that the prince would interfere in the affairs of the army and that he would be disobedient if he was in power. However, the prince was so sensible.

The old general knelt down excitedly and said, "minister, the Hushi general will take back Liangcheng this time!"

"OK! What this palace wants is the determination of the old general." He Liansheng also said excitedly.

As long as he recaptured the four border cities, he would have a greater assurance of his father. If the brothers wanted to see his jokes, he would make them laugh!


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