He Liansheng went over to look into the tub. He felt a sigh of relief. He was afraid that he would see a man hiding in it, doing what he had done yesterday. Fortunately, he did not.

Yu Qingyu felt a man standing beside him. He opened his eyes like water mist and looked at him. The fish tail and hands of the fish swayed under the water at the same time. He grabbed heliansheng's clothes and dragged him into the bathtub. He pushed his lips to his neck. His hands quickly tore his clothes and threw them out of the bathtub

Three months later, he Liansheng has lost a lot of weight, with red blood in the corners of his eyes and deep sunken eye sockets. If it hadn't been for the pills that Yu Qingyu often used to feed him, he might not have wasted his body!

his muscles were stiff, especially his abdominal muscles, which were very obvious. He felt like touching a piece of iron and a little bit of hand pricking.

Yu Qingyu put his head on the steps of the bath like a dead fish, "he Liansheng, has it been two hours in the past?"

He Liansheng took the medicine prepared by the military doctor and daubed it on his feet. "Well, it's more than two hours."

"Ah! He Liansheng sighed a little melancholy, and Qingyu's emotional period was over. Would he still pester him all the time?

He Liansheng hardly slept for the past three months, but he was very happy. Although his life was absurd, Qingyu had to vent every other hour. What else could he do to satisfy him.

Yu Qingyu finished this sentence and stretched out his hand, "come on, pull me out. I'll go to bed to sleep. The magic spell that can't leave the water is finally broken."

He Liansheng pulled his arm and pulled him up. A princess hugged him and went outside.

Yu Qingyu has been used to the behavior of heliansheng hugging him in recent months, and his hand is hooked on his neck without any resistance.

He Liansheng gently put Yu Qingyu on the bed and found a towel to wipe his body.

Yu Qingyu closed his eyes and enjoyed the service of he Liansheng. In the past few months, he was used to the service of he Liansheng. At the beginning, he was still a little awkward. Now, he is not familiar with his whole body, inside and outside. What else is he pretending to be?

the white towel wiped his back first. Yu Qingyu fell comfortably on the brocade quilt, closed his eyes, and the towel slowly ran across his neck On his chest, all the way to his belly.

"Qingyu, can it still come out? Wipe it with or without. "

Yu Qingyu closed his eyes and hummed, "no, it won't come out again until next year."

He Liansheng's fingers went down again, found the scale and pressed, "does that Qingyu still want?"

Yu Qingyu turned over and turned to he Liansheng and said, "I want to sleep. What do you want to do? Don't disturb me!"

he Liansheng puts down the towel in a lonely way. Does Qingyu want to ignore him after using him?

Yu Qingyu felt that he Liansheng had been clubbing in front of the bed. He moved in impatiently and finally stopped. What's wrong with not sleeping?

he Liansheng looked at the place where Yu Qingyu had moved him. He bent his mouth and carefully lay down on it with his legs straight.

After a while to hear the sound of even breathing, he slowly put his hand on his waist and closed his eyes happily.

It's nice to be able to sleep with him.

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