Li et al: "you wait a minute. I'll go with you. I have something to look for them."

Tian Xiaomiao pulled the strap of the backpack and nodded. Li et al. Went back to the room and put on a coat and went out with Tian Xiaomiao.

Zhang Zhiyong lives in a place where there is no gate. In fact, it is the norm not to plug a gate in the countryside.

Li and others pushed open the door. Zhang Zhiyong was squatting in front of the house to wash clothes. Tian Xiaomiao and Li et al. Hurriedly pressed a piece of clothes with blood stains on the bottom and wiped their hands on their pants. "Xiaomiao, how did you come here? Are you here specially to see me?"

Tian Xiaomiao glared at him, "who specially comes to see you? I'm looking for luohang."

Zhang Zhiyong's eyes flashed in a flash, but his voice was still gentle, "he is not here."

Li et al: "where did he go? He went out last night, not here. Where did he go?"

"How can I know where he went?" Zhang said? I'm not the mother. "

Tian Xiaomiao: "Zhang Zhiyong, how do you talk? We just ask, do you need to be so fierce? Humph! "

Zhang Zhiyong's attitude towards Tian Xiaomiao is different from that of Li et al." I'm not fierce. I just don't think he and Luo Hang live together. How can I know that? The tone is not good. It's not aimed at your Xiaomiao. "

Tian Xiaomiao saw him say this, and his anger was relieved. Then we should go and find him. After all, it is not safe here sometimes. Tigers will rush down the mountain

Zhang Zhiyong was a little flustered in his heart, but he felt that he was very strict and should not be found. He said with a hypocritical smile: "OK, you go first. I'll dry these clothes, and I'll look for them with you."

Although Li et al. Are also envious of Captain Luo's good looks, good family background, and is also liked by girls, he feels that they have lived together for more than a year. How can they not bear to see him missing? They say in a hurry, "what clothes should we hang? Let's go out and look for them? It should be sooner rather than later. What should he do in case of any accident? "

Zhang Zhiyong looked at Xiaotian's face and asked him to express his grief.

Zhang Zhiyong's heart a soft, very want to promise her, but think of his clothes on the secret, heart a horizontal, "you go first, I don't hang out this clothes, tomorrow will not wear, you look East, I'll go west."

Li et al pointed to him with his finger, "you have seed! Thanks to his good relationship with you."

Tian Xiaomiao also hate to stare at him, a stomp turned out of the yard.

Zhang Zhiyong wanted to say something. He stretched out his hand. Finally, he picked up the clothes and rubbed them to the sun.

If it wasn't too difficult for him to make a dress, he would have thrown it away. It's really bad luck!

Tian Xiaomiao and Li et al. Asked everyone in the village, but there was no news of luohang. They were really in a hurry.

At first, they thought that luohang might have been pulled to do some private business by someone, but now they have no such idea at all.

Zhang Zhiyong also rushed to the center of the village from the west of the village. He put on a worried face, "didn't you find it

Tian Xiaomiao has almost cried out, "where will he go? No one saw him, nor did anyone who went to town. "

Li et al. Tugged at his collar and fanned, "do you think it's possible for luohang to enter the mountain?"

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