If it wasn't for you, I don't know what I would be like now. I appreciate your company.

Yu Qingyu also nestled in the tree hole. He raised his chin and said, "would you like to ask me, and I will lead those people to find your body?"

"is that ok?" Luo Hang surprise way.

"Of course, but you have to ask me first."

Luo Hang squatted down to touch his head. Unexpectedly, his hand passed through his head. He was stunned. His calm face collapsed again and could not look directly at him. "Qing Yu, let the man who killed me die, do you think it's ok?"

Yu Qingyu covers his eyes with one paw. Although he is not afraid of corpses, this sudden face change has a great impact on vision. Listen When he arrived at luohang, he was not in a hurry to answer: "it's natural and proper to kill someone for his life."

"Qingyu, are you really an ordinary panda? Why do you still know that it's natural to kill people for their lives? "

Yu Qingyu rolled his eyes and said," are you stupid? How can I be ordinary? I'm the most intelligent, lovely, handsome and knowledgeable little panda in the sky and the earth. "

Luoyang Airlines This narcissistic stink.

Luo Hang laughed, "then I ask Qing Yu to help me lead those people over. If I have a chance, I will definitely repay you."

Yu Qingyu wagged his tail. "I'm gone. It doesn't matter if I repay you. I just want you to live well." A flash disappeared into the tree hole.

"Live well? Ha ha Live well? But I'm dead! Dead The mood that Luoyang Airlines held for a day and a night broke out completely.

He is not a saint. He can't become a ghost when he dies. He has flesh and blood. Naturally, he has pain and concerns.

His parents have only one child. If he dies, what do they do?

At the thought of his parents' pain in learning of his death, he couldn't help feeling like a knife stirring.

Yu Qingyu easily jumped to the group of people in front of them, "squeak" in front of them, a small paw pointed to the place of burying luohang.

"Is this panda not afraid of human beings?"

"What do you mean it's creaking here?"

"whatever he means, we're looking for Luoyang airlines. It's going to be dark soon. If we can't find it, we'll go down the mountain. Don't waste time here."

Yu Qingyu listened to these young men's words, and his anger rose from his chest. He was so troublesome that he could not communicate with others every time.

"System, can my world become a human being? Don't be like the last world. It's like a fish

The system said uncertainly, "look at the development of the world, there will be demons, you don't have to worry."

"So I can do this task slowly, for more than ten years?"

"yes, it's impossible for ghosts to evolve for more than ten years."

"That's great. I'll take a leisurely vacation."

Tian Xiaomiao just found this side, looking at Yu Qingyu squatting on the ground, the string in his heart was suddenly stirred.

Girls generally have no resistance to cute things. Tian Xiaomiao is no exception. She wants to reach out and touch Yu Qingyu.

However, Yu Qingyu dodged him. He squeaked a few times. A little paw pointed to a direction and didn't put it down. It's said that girls always talk to themselves when they see the strange behavior of animals. I wonder if this woman will do this?

Tian Xiaomiao frowns at the action of the little panda in front of her. What does it mean? Suddenly, she exclaimed, "do you know where we are looking for?"



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