Luohang: "I I don't know. "

Yu Qingyu said: I'm so careless!

Yu Qingyu climbed up the tree angrily and closed his eyes. What's he worried about? It's been decades.

Li et al. Gathered up a pile of dilapidated bodies, looked around and found that no one had brought any tools to take him away. Li et al. Gritted his teeth and took off his coat.

Compared with letting a brother expose his body in the wilderness, sacrificing his coat is nothing. Although it is difficult to have a garment without patches in this era, he will not regret it.

Tian Xiaomiao saw Li's action and nodded, "thank you."

Li et al: "he is also my brother." "Let's go back and talk about what to do. Let's go."

Zhang Zhiyong took a dim look at the place destroyed by wild boar. He involuntarily lifted up the corner of his mouth and held Tian Xiaomiao's arm with one hand. "Come on, Xiaomiao, stand up first."

Tian Xiaomiao has been running around looking for luohang since the morning, and now the water has not entered, coupled with great sadness, he has fainted.

"Xiaomiao, Xiaomiao! What's the matter with you?" Zhang Zhiyong cried anxiously.

Li and others also came over, "Xiaomiao, is she OK? Or we'll take turns carrying her back

Zhang Zhiyong looked at the big bag in Li's arms and felt a little guilty. Without saying a word, he carried Tian Xiaomiao to his shoulder.

After the voice died down, Yu Qingyu closed his eyes. This night, he had better go to bed first.

Hazy, as if to hear someone call him, he opened his confused eyes, rubbed his paws, looked around.

"Qingyu, look here!" the voice came from below. Yu Qingyu looked down and saw Luo Hang waving to him.

"Luohang, what's the matter?"

"Qingyu, I decided to strengthen myself. Even if it wasn't for revenge, I also wanted to go back to see my parents. I've been away for three years, and I can't see them again in my life. I'm not reconciled."

"Oh, I see. I'll go out tomorrow and find someone to do it? Do you have any money? "

Luo Hang choked, "a little, but not much, but I have food stamps, cloth tickets, oil tickets and so on."

Yu Qingyu thought for a while, and thought that these things might be better than money, so he nodded, "OK, I know. I'll sleep first."

"Well, you sleep, and I'll watch for you."

"Poof There's no need to watch any night. I'll climb a little higher, even if the leopard can't bite me. "

"Oh, well." Luo Hang's voice was a little lost. He just wanted to do something for him, but he found that he was useless.

After daybreak, Yu Qingyu first found some tender bamboo leaves to eat, then rubbed them to avoid luohang, took out some meat to eat, then licked his mouth and went down the mountain.

He slipped to the courtyard where luohang lived before his death. Some people gathered here. Some were making coffins for luohang, others were busy in the kitchen.

Yu Qingyu heard that the money for the funeral was jointly provided by the villagers. The carpenter did not have to pay for the funeral, but just contributed.

He slipped into the room of luohang, found the things he said in his pillow case, and knocked over the ink on the head of his bed.

With a small claw, he wrote on the book that he had spread out: find a real eminent monk for luohang to spend his time. Don't say this is superstition, you will know the reason later.

Yu Qingyu spent a lot of effort to write these words, and then tore the page off, and kept it in the space first.

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