Yu Qingyu: "that means it's not too big, but it's still aggressive, right? Only turtles can live in this broken place."

"Right, no reward."

"System, I find you're getting skinny recently."

"Do you like it?"

"If you like it, life should be colorful, lively and happy."

System: Happy? I don't like the description very much.

After waiting for a long time, Yu Qingyu did not see any danger. He swam cautiously.

"Be careful!" The system sounds again.

Yu Qingyu immediately rolled in the water two times, avoiding the mouth biting his leg.

He faintly saw a shadow under the black water. Yu Qingyu took out his black stick and stuck it down. After feeling that he had poked something, he immediately recited the pithy formula. Then he quickly put the stick away. In case it fell into the water, he would have no time to cry.

"System, is it dead?"

"Dead, but there's more than one in the river."

"Sleeping trough! What else? You can take care of the rest. I'll go ashore first. "

System: Forget it. He took the job.

Yu Qingyu successfully landed on the bank. Curiously, he touched the stone statues and found nothing special. He walked around the imitated yard for several times and found nothing special.

I can't help sighing. It seems that he was born with no treasure hunting talent! Worry about mulberry!

Forget it, go out and look for luohang. If he can find anything, some people may be lucky.

Floating in the water, looking at the half open hole, Yu Qingyu wants to cry without tears, which is to embarrass his short legs!

"System, how deep is the water?"

"more than three meters."

"How can I get out of here? I can't even reach the hole. I wish I could fly."

"Don't dream, think realistic."

"System, you are not cute at all. As my system, shouldn't you take me to install X and take me to fly? Come on, let me fly one. "

"Can't fly."

After soaking in the water for a while, Yu Qingyu was tired of all his limbs and claws. Suddenly, he released the wooden frame in the space stone, but not all of them, but a piece of wood removed from above.

The place where the board and other places are connected is cut off by a sharp edge. In the space stone, Yu Qingyu can control those things with his mind. Cutting a board is easy.

Stepping on the board, he made a strong jump, his legs grabbed the hole, the hole was very slippery by the current, the first time he fell down.

After some time, Yu Qingyu finally got out of the stream and was covered with mud. He could hardly see his fluffy prototype. He was just like husky, who went out to beat the mud on a rainy day.

After dark, Yu Qingyu took luohang to the yard. "Luohang, please look at the mechanism here."

"Oh." Luo Hang slowly floating around the yard, after a long time, he stood beside the tea drinking statue, looking at a line of words on the table in a daze.

"Sit and drink the cool water and watch the rustling dust.

Isn't there supposed to be a next sentence? Is it necessary to be right? "Luo Hang murmured involuntarily.

Yu Qingyu suddenly jumped to the stone table, staring at the two poems, trying to find out the next sentence from his mind, but did not find it.

"Hello, little disciple, can you make it right?"

"No reason to hold a bowl and send it to tea lovers." Luo Hang says softly.

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