"Now I have nothing but master. Master, don't be afraid of me, OK?"

Thinking of his lonely mood after his parents died, Yu Qingyu could not help but sympathize with Luo Hang. He patted him with fluffy claws. "I really just had a dream. I don't believe you will hold me every day to see if I will struggle. You are really..." I think too much.

"Well, I will sleep with my master every day." Luo Hang made a voice in a hurry and interrupted Yu Qingyu's unfinished words.

Yu Qingyu said: This man really climbs up the pole.

At dawn, Yu Qingyu took luohang to the bottom of the cliff, looked up at the cliff which was almost vertical to the ground and sighed.

"Apprentice, if you can fly, we'll go up if you can. Where can I climb such a dangerous cliff? If I fall down, I'll die."

Luo Hang held his breath and half rang, "I'm sorry, master. It's the apprentice who is too stupid."

"I just feel that you don't have to blame yourself."

"But master I don't want to see you fall down. If we don't wait two days for us to go up again, I will practice how to fly. I will certainly not let master down. "

Yu Qingyu looked at him suspiciously, "are you sure you can do it?"

"we have nothing important to do now. It doesn't matter if we wait two more days."

Yu Qingyu: "well, you can say that you can, I want to make you strong as soon as possible, to do their own things, but it is in a bit of a hurry, and so on."

Luo Hang's heart, which has been unable to beat for a long time, feels some palpitation, eyes twinkle. Master is so considerate for him. What reason does he have to not work hard? He will never fail to live up to master's expectations!

Yu Qingyu shakes his head when he looks at luohang. As expected, he is still a young boy. A few words can make him so excited. It's so young.

Yu Qingyu climbed into the grass and enjoyed the flying posture of luohang. After a while, he quietly raised a paw to cover his eyes. He couldn't bear to look directly at him!

Luohang has fallen from the air countless times. It seems that the hand and foot do not listen to his command. If you stand in the air well, you will fall down.

Luo Hang's face was black and continued to jump, a pair of did not learn to fly never give up the appearance, Yu Qingyu from the beginning of the mouth smile, to the last laugh, and then to a dignified look at Luo Hang.

He has always admired people who have perseverance. His behavior at the moment is worthy of his high regard. "Luoyang airlines, you can have a rest. I'll teach you a method. You can't try it."

Luo Hang stopped after hearing the speech and went to Yu Qingyu. He squatted down and touched his head naturally. His voice was hoarse: "what can I do?"

Yu Qingyu said: I'm not going to beat you to death.

Yu Qingyu said the running route of aura in the human body, "you try, maybe it can, but it may not work."

Luo Hang sat on the ground with his eyes closed and did as he suggested. His body suddenly floated into the air, just like flying a kite.

Yu Qingyu cried out: "Hello, luohang, open your eyes and have a look. It really works!"

Luo Hang retreated from that kind of self-cultivation. As soon as he opened his eyes, he found himself in the air. His breath was disordered, and he fell down from the air.

Yu Qingyu helped his forehead and laughed in his heart, "Hey, good disciple, be careful!"







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