The two men glared at each other and suddenly laughed at the same time. Yu Qingyu looked at Luo Hang's smile and felt that he and he Liansheng were somewhat similar.

If we say that they are not like each other, they have that kind of inexpressible familiarity. Is luohang the reincarnation of he Liansheng?

Yu Qingyu shook his head and didn't think about those things. If it was him, he would surely find more of the same things in the future.

"Can you still enter this bead?" Yu Qingyu took out the black bead and asked luohang.

Luo Hang tried for a while, and then jumped out again, "yes, but there is no ghost gas in it. If you insist on staying inside, you will consume your own ghost gas."

"Then you hide first. When we climb the mountain at noon tomorrow, you will hide in the beads and let you out when I go in."

"Well, listen to master."

Although it was autumn, the sun at noon was still a little hot. Yu Qingyu was panting on the hillside. Sure enough, he was suitable for staying. Mountain climbing was not suitable for him. It was not suitable for him at all.

He gritted his teeth and climbed up a section. There were many holes in the cliff, each of which contained a coffin. Outside, he could only see the big head of the coffin, which was black in water, with some things he could not understand.

Yu Qingyu climbed for a period of time and reached the top of the coffin, "system, is this it?"


Yu Qingyu carefully squeezed in from the coffin, exhaled a breath, and finally had a down-to-earth feeling.

This is also his small body. If someone comes, he can't squeeze in. He can only hang out.

Yu Qingyu carefully looked at the coffin in front of him. It was the largest coffin he had ever seen here. Although he did not know wood, the wood grain of the coffin was clear and smooth. The color on the coffin seemed to reflect the light, and it also emitted a faint fragrance. It was impossible to see that it was an old coffin.

It's a pity that it was destroyed like this. Should he put it away? It seems that this wood is a good thing, although it has become a coffin shape.

"System, is there anything strange in this coffin?"

"Strange thing? What do you want to do? "

" ha ha I think it's a good coffin to collect. "

System: Is Qingyu crazy?

"System, if there's nothing strange in it, I'll do it."

"No," the system says with difficulty

The system can't help but think about whether he is in debt to Qingyu. It is clear that he didn't give him less good things. There are a lot of treasures in his own space stone. How can he like this coffin? He really can't think of it. Otherwise, he can give more good things in the future?

Yu Qingyu's paw touched the coffin and wanted to put it into the space stone. It didn't work. He was surprised. He pressed the whole claw on it, but the coffin was still motionless.

Yu Qingyu said: It's embarrassing.

After a careful observation, he found that the bottom of the coffin seemed to be cast on a rock. So to put the coffin away, he either put it away with the mountain, or cut the coffin into two pieces and put the upper half away.

Yu Qingyu sighed and took out the pestle. It seemed that he had to use violence.

A medicine pestle down, the coffin broken into powder, there is a smell of wood in the air for a long time.

Under the coffin was a huge stone slab with lines that he could not understand. Yu Qingyu went down with another medicine and the whole mountain trembled. Suddenly, a black air gushed out from the breach, which instantly drowned Yu Qingyu.

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