"Boom..." The door in front of them was broken to pieces, and the scene behind the door appeared before them.

Row by row of people face them, these people's bodies are incomplete, either lack of arms or legs, their clothes in the moment of the stone gate broken into dust, revealing their silver body.

Yu Qingyu raised his feet and stepped into the stone chamber. Luo Hang followed him and came in. Suddenly, the voice of "Jie Jie" came from all directions.

a gust as like as two peas of hair, and the wind was blowing. After the wind, hundreds of ghost spirits appeared. They all looked very red, and the body was exactly the same as those arranged in rows. They were all incomplete.

Yu Qingyu stepped back and said, "little disciple, do you think they will eat us?"

luohang is the first time to see such a scene. He can't tell whether he is angry or afraid. He is still a little sad when so many people become like this.

"Master, they Have you lost your sense? "

" why do you think the owner of the tomb has brought out so many ghosts and corpses? "

Luo Hang was silent for a moment: "guard his tomb."

"Do grave keepers need reason? No, they just need to stop all the people who come here or anything else

Several ghosts came rushing over with their claws. Yu Qingyu swept with the pestle. For a moment, he screamed incessantly. Yu Qingyu watched the ghosts being pulled into the pestle. He didn't know what to do.

Luohang was bitten by a ghost, which absorbed most of the ghost spirit he had practiced before. Although luohang is gentle, it does not mean that he is willing to be beaten and not fight back.

He used his aura to fly up and plunge down from the air. The ghost was missing one hand and was busy blocking it with the other. However, luohang had two hands. The other hand pressed his head and bit him on his neck.

A steady stream of ghost gas into his body, at the same time those resentments, those unwilling, those hatred also entered his body.

Luo Hang's hair explodes, his clothes are windless and his eyes turn red. Suddenly, he rushes up and begins to slaughter the remaining ghosts.

Yu Qingyu was carrying the pestle and scurrying all over the place. At last, the ghosts who were sucked into the pestle did not know how many.

I don't know how long, two talent finally clean up all the ghosts here, Yu Qingyu tired to climb to the ground, he has been supporting two legs to run, it is really difficult for him.

Luo Hang's Scarlet eyes have not disappeared, and they are destroying the things in the stone chamber everywhere, which is like crazy.

His ghost like clothes were worn out and hung on his body one by one. He ran like a feather duster.

Yu Qingyu couldn't help smiling, watching him crazy, he should soon come back to sober up, he believed in his mind.

At a certain moment, luohang finally woke up and looked at himself as embarrassed as before, and his hand caressed him again as if he were green and astringent.

"Master, are we still going in?"

"Why don't you go? You've come here. Don't you think the owner of the tomb can make so many things, and there should be something good in his hand?"

"These gatekeepers are so good, I'm afraid..." What if the one behind is more powerful?

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