"Can you revive him?" Yu Qingyu pointed to Luo Hang.

"It costs too much to resurrect a man. I'm..." The stone statue wanted to say why he wanted to help him revive, but when he felt a stab on his waist, he immediately changed his words: "I can, but does his body still exist?"

Luo Hang's surprise face suddenly collapsed. Where did he have any body? He was eaten and eaten!

"is it OK to use that man's body?" Yu Qingyu pointed to the ice bed.

Stone statue: "it's not impossible, but the resurrection is carried out on your original body, and the resurrected person should be the one who died suddenly, that is to say, this person has Yang Shou, so there is no big problem in resurrection.

However, resurrection to others is equivalent to robbing others' things. Heaven and earth are not allowed. Unless you have a lot of merits, the success rate is very low. "

"System, do you hear me? If the merit of resurrecting him is less than that of our mission, then we are not at a loss? So Do you think the resurrection will not revive him? "

the system thought for a moment:" but what if we don't earn much? "

"Then we can get more or less, or Do you want to bet

"Gambling, why not gamble? Losing is just doing two more tasks. There is nothing to be afraid of."

The system suddenly laughed: "you're right. I've been waiting for so long. It's not bad for me to gamble with you for ten years and a hundred years."

Yu Qingyu was in a good mood. "We have merits. You can revive him."

The jaw of the stone statue almost hit the ground. The eyes of the stone carving seem to have a charm at the moment. How can it be? How can ordinary people have merits? That's something that only a good man can have for several generations.

The stone statue didn't respond for a long time. Yu Qingyu thought that he didn't agree to resurrect luohang. He stabbed him again, "you are squeaking. What's missing? I'll make it clear for you once."

It's not a good day to crack

Yu Qingyu turned over and grabbed the leg of luohang's trousers. "Look, master didn't lie to you. He said you could be a man again."

Luo Hang's eyes were moist. He squatted down and hugged Yu Qingyu. His voice choked: "master, master, master..."

Yu Qingyu lifted up his little paw and patted him, "OK, the big man is crying. I'll lose face to your master."

The warmth in Luo Hang's heart almost burst out of his chest. Holding Yu Qingyu in his arms, he turned several circles, and finally kissed him several times before putting him on the ground.

Yu Qingyu felt the place where Luo Hang had been kissing, but he didn't say anything. It's normal for people to kiss people or things around them when they are excited. He doesn't mind.

Luo Hang looked at the group of things touching his face. His eyes were gentle and the corners of his mouth rose uncontrollably.

Stone statue:.... " How could they run into such a little devil!

after they were excited, they all looked at the stone statue together. This time, they took a 180 degree turn and asked about the stone statue. Yu Qingyu even took out a lot of treasures to ask whether the stone statue was needed.

Stone statue: what's the use of these?

In the end, the stone statue mentioned it tactfully. In fact, he preferred merit. Yu Qingyu stopped offering treasure. He only said that if the resurrection was successful, he could give him some merit. If he failed, ha ha

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