Yu Qingyu suddenly figured out that this was to let him leave a good influence in front of his parents. Besides this estimation, there was nothing else.

The parents of luohang are very happy about their son's death and resurrection, and help them build houses every day.

Luo Ma cooked a good meal, and the men who worked together had strength.

Luo's father was a soldier who had been discharged from the army in his early years. Naturally, his physique was not bad. Although people who were nearly 50 years old were no worse than those 20-year-old boys.

Besides, this is to build a house for his son. He is also happy. In the end, he takes out the pension money and wants to build two more rooms nearby.

Their husband and wife have only one son. Now they are both retiring. They think it's good to see the beautiful scenery here.

Thinking that now the house has been built, we can come to live in a few years. Everyone is very excited.

Luo Hang keeps a distance with Yu Qingyu in the past two days for fear that they can see something.

After the house was built, luohang added money to build a local temple.

Although the villagers are very surprised why luohang wants to build this, who can really manage so much money.

When Luo Hang's parents left, Yu Qingyu also went to see him off. Luo Ma's eyes were a little unfriendly.

One day, when Yu Qingyu and luohang were alone together, Luo Ma saw him. At that time, luohang was holding his hand and shaking.

Maybe it's my mother's intuition that they don't get along with each other normally, but I don't know what's wrong.

Just adding some hostility to him, Luo Ma could not tell the innocent Luo Hang that she was not allowed to communicate with Yu Qingyu in the future.

At last, Luo Ma got on the bus with a worried face.

When the bus could not see the shadow, Luo Hang hugged Yu Qingyu and said, "master, I'm sorry, I've wronged you in these days."

Yu Qingyu patted him on the back and didn't speak. Not every relationship would be blessed.

He is very open-minded, not to mention He is not sure whether there is a future between them.

The house, which is all made of wood, has a smell of gum. The cabinets, beds and chairs in bright yellow paint can also reflect people.

"Do we have to stay in the village for at least half a year? Will it be inconvenient? "Luo Hang said with some entanglement.

"Well, go. I just gave us a little golden lock for the family to stay with. The hostess of his family is pregnant and we will move here when she gives birth to her."

"Master, I want to..."

Yu Qingyu knocked on his head, "what do you want? Don't think about it."

Luo Hang laughed. During these days, he worked outside everyday. His face was tanned, but he was stronger.

It's not like the pale and emaciated look when I first came out of the mausoleum.

White teeth shake people dizzy, Luo Hang a put him down on the bed only put straw mat.

Gentle and delicate kisses fall.

Yu Qingyu didn't want to be here. The taste was so heavy that he had a headache.

However, he has never been a reserved person in this matter. Since he has made it clear, he should sleep!

there are several quilts lying on the ground.

He turned over and both fell into the pile of brocade quilts on the ground.

Luo Hang looked at Yu Qingyu and looked at him affectionately and solemnly: "master, I promise with my life that I will treat you all my life."

Yu Qingyu rolled his eyes and quickly picked up his clothes

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