Without waiting for him to move, "Putong" fell in front of him.

The man sprayed a mouthful of blood on the white rat, and then he died.

Yu Qingyu looked up to the sky. Did he fall down and die?

Tut What a pity!

suddenly a voice came from my mind, "don't eat me, I can give you everything I have."

"Who is talking?" Yu Qingyu swings his head around looking for.

"It's me, the big mouse in front of you." The rats in front of me twitch and have to answer.

Yu Qingyu smelled the strong smell of blood. He couldn't help licking his lips and sticking out his tongue

Wait, there's something wrong with his tongue?

Yu Qingyu moved his tongue again, lying trough! His tongue is split!

"System system, what am I this time?"


"Snake! Snake! Ah ah ah! Lao Tzu is afraid of snakes. I will not do this task. Change an animal, even a mouse. I don't want to be a snake. Hurry up!

the gloomy mood of the system was finally amused by Yu Qingyu, "if you die, I will change it for you, and we will go to the next world."

"What do you think of my suicide?"

The system couldn't help laughing: "are you so afraid of snakes?"

"so hurry up and change the world for me."

"Then you commit suicide, but I used the force of space to shuttle the plane, so I need to recover for a period of time. I will put you in the space, and after I recover, I can use the force of space to send you to another place."

"How long do you need to recover?"

"one year."

"A year? So if I commit suicide, I have to stay in a space for a year?" Yu Qingyu was a little surprised.


"You haven't said that before?"

"You didn't say you'd kill yourself before."

Yu Qingyu said:

White mouse: do you think I am a dead man?

The big white mouse said again, "can you help me? I have something good for you

Yu Qingyu's heart turned white, oh, you said save, I don't want face!

He moved his body, did not expect to slide a few meters away.

Sleeping trough! Fortunately, I can't see what I look like, otherwise I have to be scared to death.

"Take me, I'll pass you a demon cultivation skill."

"Save him." The system suddenly opens up.

Yu Qingyu turned around and straightened up to look at him. When he stood up, the big white mouse in front of him became a little white mouse.

"How can I take you? With my teeth?"

He really opened his mind, cold (SI) strong support energy, "adult, you just put the tip of the tail, I climb up, you go straight."

"What about things?"

"On my body, on the storage ring."

Yu Qingyu subconsciously looked at the man's hand, but found it was a little fuzzy. He wanted to blink, but found that his eyes could not blink.

Yu Qingyu said: Sure enough, he knew that the snake was a pit. Not only was he short-sighted, but also his eyes could not blink.

"Can you bring it yourself? I can't see it. "

Leng:" I can't see it "How angry!

Leng grinned his teeth and suppressed his anger." you should be able to see when you get closer. I can hardly move now. "

Yu Qingyu thought for a moment, estimated the position and sent his tail tip to the white mouse, "you come up, I'll drag you to get it."

Leng Pang used two forelegs to climb to the tail of Yu Qingyu, "my Lord, please go to the left."

Yu Qingyu turned his head and did not look at his tail. He moved to the left with Leng's command.

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