"Roar!" The spirit beast made a warning sound in the direction of Yu Qingyu.

It's over! When he was found out, would you like to run?

he wandered around and tried to vomit two water arrows.

That thought that the spirit beast's skin was rough and its flesh was thick, and the water arrow had no effect on it.

Yu Qingyu's action was to infuriate the spirit beast. It rushed towards him fiercely and took up the dead leaves on the ground

"To the left!" A voice like this came out of my mind.

Yu Qingyu subconsciously hid to the left. The next moment, the spirit beast hit the place where Yu Qingyu's body was before like a shell.

Yu Qingyu has all the memories of the original owner. Naturally, he knows how to fight. Just now, it was just human thought that got the upper hand. When he saw such a big beast, he was afraid of it.

At this moment, seeing the enemy coming fiercely, he drew his tail.

The spirit beast was pumped by Yu Qingyu and flew up. He raised his head and spewed out a mouthful of venom, which fell right in the eye of the spirit beast.

The spirit beast screamed, fell on the ground, limbs twitch, and soon there was no sound.

A strong smell suddenly burst out, and Yu Qingyu felt that the ground had a slight vibration.

I think there are other spirit animals also found this smell is coming.

When Yu Qingyu's snake head was explored, he swallowed the seven petal flower even its roots, and wrapped a lot of soil narrowly.

The tail pulls the dead spirit beast to leave here quickly.

Thanks to the snake's keen sense of smell, if you can smell it now, you will have a fight with many spirit beasts.

After returning to the cave, Yu Qingyu looked at the rat and said, "do you know what kind of flower this is?"

Now Leng's eyes are red with jealousy. How could the snake be so lucky? He had just been promoted by his things, but now he came across such a rare thing in a thousand years. How could he not meet it.

Leng said with envy: "this is seven petal white cream, there is a kind of elixir with it as the main medicine. If you take it, you can wash the spirit root. If you eat it, the single spirit root can become the variation spirit root, and the multi spirit root can wash away the redundant spirit root."

"What about the spirit beast?"

"Probably You can make attributes more powerful. "

"I'm a water attribute. So if I eat it, the water arrow I send out may be more powerful, and it may also mutate, right?"

"In theory."

Yu Qingyu vomited out the medicine and stared at it. He wanted to eat it.

This body is soil property. If it changes, maybe the stone can follow his command.

No matter how strong a big earth ball is, there is no hard stone to bluff people.

"Come here, I'll allow you to eat half of it, because you don't plan to do it today."

Leng thought to himself that fortunately he didn't run, otherwise there would be no good results.

"Thank you for this kind of good thing, brother. I'm almost moved to tears. Everyone in the fairyland is selfish. I didn't expect that elder brother would be so righteous. I will obey him more in the future. I don't want to talk about anything. If I ask me to catch chickens, I will never drive dogs away."

Yu Qingyu chuckled. The dog leg tried his best to flatter him.

They ate the flower clean, and Yu Qingyu threw some meat to the rat. He looked at the spirit beast that was dragged back in a daze.

I didn't make up my mind whether to eat or not.

He knows that snakes eat whole food, but the spirit beast looks twice as thick as him. Can he swallow it? You're not choking, are you?

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