Feng Xin'er said with a smile: "Zhang Luo is reasonable. We don't have to worry. It's long enough for us to experience this time. It's time for us to go back."

Zhang Luo put her arms around her slender waist and kneaded and whispered in her ear, "you haven't fed me yet, how can you think of going back?"

Seeing this, another man directly lifted up her skirt and touched her in. "Elder martial sister, if you want to go back, why don't we wait on you?"

Feng xiner leaned back into the arms behind her, her legs were separated, and her eyes moved around and looked at them, "younger martial brothers should be filial to elder martial sister. Naturally, elder martial sister has to bear it, eh ~"

they laughed a few times, right With the wind, xiner immediately moves up and down with hands.

Feng Xin'er makes a charming voice in her mouth, and her body caters to their movements

For a moment, there was a joyful sound in the woods, which was very lively.

Cold suffocating dizziness, claws a loose to float up.

Yu Qingyu followed closely, his body arched into a bridge, holding Leng out of the water.

"Little four, didn't you drown?"

Leng Yan coughed violently and couldn't answer Yu Qingyu's words. His body was shaking.

He remembered that he would not be called Leng if he didn't revenge.

Come over for a long time, Leng Xuan finally eased over, "elder brother, I know you have a good water quality, but you can't make such a fuss, little brother? I can't stand this small body! "

Yu Qingyu found that this guy was really flexible. Ordinary people would have scolded him or turned against him.

However, what this man said was said with a smile, but after listening carefully, it had the meaning of criticism.

He couldn't help laughing. He was really black and had some shadow of that guy.

"Brother, this is not to take you to appreciate the underwater scenery, I did not think that you are not good at water, brother did not mean to." You can pretend that I can, who is afraid of who!

Pretend! Get dressed! Leng despised his heart, but his mouth was sweet: "it's the strength of my younger brother that I can't do. I'll try my best to practice later."

"Well, you know it."

Leng: I want to kill him!

The system rubbed together to see the joke, thinking that these two actors are really interesting.

In front of the water suddenly speed up, Yu Qingyu stopped and listened carefully. He thought there might be a waterfall in front of him.

Generally, there are deep pools under the waterfalls. According to his skin and flesh, there is nothing wrong with falling down.

Yu Qingyu slowly swam, collapse tight body, ready to resist the pressure of falling water.

"Xiao Si, you should hold me tight for a moment, and you are not responsible for falling to death."

Oh, your father! Cold breath of the claws into his scales inserted, this is what you asked.

Yu Qingyu's back hurt a little, and he took a puff from the corner of his mouth.

"Wow Wow... " The huge sound of water has been heard.

Cold tense claw to buckle inside again, a pair of eyes uneasily turn.

Is this snake crazy? When he could get to the bank, he had to rush down from the waterfall. I don't know what he was thinking? He wanted to stimulate him.

when he was close to the waterfall, Yu Qingyu made a sudden leap out of the waterfall, and his body suddenly soared into the air.

Good, good, there are deep pools, and the waterfall is not deep, just to his liking.

Yu Qingyu tried to wave the fleshy wings on his back.

Leng finally understood what he wanted to do. He wanted to fly!

But the wings are too small, right? If he could fly, he would be a mouse for life.




…… Today, March 1st, my dear ones, I'm going to vote for the monthly guarantee! I wish you a happy and healthy new month.

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