What a strange snake.

It was not until noon that Yu Qingyu threw down his cold shoulder and climbed to a big stone to bask in the sun.

Although the sun can't reach the ground, the temperature on the stone is still much higher than that in other places.

Leng took the healing pills and ate some of the rest of the barbecue.

"Big brother, can you make it smaller? I'll take you to Yangqi sect. "

Yu Qingyu thought for a moment, as if the adult snake can be smaller, but he can't do it now. He doesn't know if the dragon's memory has this magic, so he turns over the memory.

"Go to yangqizong first. I'll see if it's OK."

Leng: "yes."

Old man Qinglong's memory is huge and complex, and Yu Qingyu only turns over some important ones.

It was found that he not only knew all kinds of magic, but also mastered the art of space and seal.

Three days later, Yu Qingyu finally learned how to make himself smaller.

He is now lying on his head.

Leng Xuan originally wanted to let Yu Qingyu entangle in his wrist.

But Yu Qingyu didn't want to go around and see his tail, so he decided to lie on his head.

What can Leng do, of course, is to let him lie down, after all He can't beat him.

When Leng Xuan appeared at the gate of Yangqi sect with a green and black snake on his head and a blue blue dress, he immediately attracted many people's attention.

Yangqizong such a large door, do not know how many people in and out every day.

At this time, Yu Qingyu has seen no less than ten people enter the zongmen.

He watched them just holding the waist tag in a groove and dropping a drop of blood on it.

When the light flashes, they will disappear.

Leng was standing in front of the two gatekeepers and took out his waist token, "this elder martial brother, please take this waist token to find Yang Guanshi in the lower courtyard."

Then he handed the sign to the past, along with a dozen spirit stones in the bag.

He didn't expect that the guard was generous.

The elder martial brother turned around and joined the door.

Leng Ran to the side to avoid, standing next to another gatekeeper.

"Elder martial brother, is it hard to keep watch every day?"

"Fortunately, we don't usually have to do anything. If there is a sign in the sect, we can go in. We will take care of the disciples who have lost the brand and receive the people who are not

Leng handed him some Lingshi, "elder martial brother, I want to know whether fengxiner, the first beauty in the courtyard, has come back?"

When it comes to Feng xiner, the gatekeeper's eyes are different. He squints at Leng Xuan and says, "why? Do you want to have a spring festival with elder martial sister xiner?"

What Leng can say, of course, is to bow his head and pretend to be shy, smile and not speak, leaving the gatekeeper to fill in the plot, but in his heart, Feng xiner has been delayed a hundred times.

The guard didn't say anything to make fun of him.

"Elder martial sister xiner has been back for several days, but only two of the four elder martial brothers who went out together came back. It is said that they were bitten to death by the spirit beast."

Leng Xuan of course knew that their team had died, and one of them had been bitten to death by him. Now another one died, which made him feel a little happy, but also a little subdued.

It's a good thing that a man died, but he didn't kill it himself. It's a pity.

Leng pretended to be surprised, "right? Is sister Xin'er hurt? "

With a trace of heartache, the disciple said, "I don't know which animal hurt elder martial sister xiner. She's such a beautiful person. How did he do it?"

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