"Roar!" The roof of the wooden house was broken through a big hole. The disciples near Lingtian saw a dragon with huge wings flying up.

No, no! It's not a dragon. It's a snake. It's a flying snake.

Yuyu's pestle stopped him from flying out of the door.

No matter how the zongmen enter or leave, the mountain protection array will be opened in case of emergency. When the time comes, no mosquito can fly out of the zongmen gate, so he must be fast.

There was a terrible pressure behind him. Yu Qingyu was commanding the medicine pestle and the headmaster to fight against each other.

The body also quickly swam in the sky, forming a large shadow on the ground, the strong air flow across the flowers and grass on the ground, scattered all over the ground in a mess.

Some disciples saw the headmaster and elder chasing Yu Qingyu, and spontaneously went up to the sky to intercept Yu Qingyu.

"Big brother, you leave me to run, you can certainly run away alone." Leng Bing is extremely calm in Yu Qingyu's body.

"If there is a pill, it will make me beat all the people here, but I will become a waste in the future. Will you throw me away?"

Leng Leng cried out in horror, "brother, don't eat it, give it to me!"

"Bang" medicine pestle was hit back and hit Yu Qingyu's tail.

Yu Qingyu took advantage of the situation and threw the pestle back. If he didn't succeed, he became benevolent.

He opened his mouth fiercely, and countless ice arrows were shooting towards the front one by one.

Many disciples were shot down from the air and fell to the ground. I don't know whether they are alive or dead.

Yu Qingyu was so fast that the leader and the elder didn't catch up with him.

But his follow-up strength is insufficient, and it is certain that he will be overtaken.

He hesitated one by one, and finally listened to the system eat a derivative pill.

This pill's medicinal power will burst the skin after the body's four directions dissipates, and then crazily absorbs all the aura around.

A big white whirlpool suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth. In the middle of the whirlpool was a snake flapping its wings.

The snake's golden eyes have now become blood red, the scales of the snake are split inch by inch, and the fleshy wings on its back have increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The snake raised its head and roared like a baby crying. The sound spread all over the place of Yangqi sect.

At the same time, the small waterfall, the well in the small courtyard and the river at the foot of the mountain erupted at the same time.

The water in the river suddenly reverses, the water from the waterfall suddenly surges, and the water from the well comes out.

In a flash, the whole Yangqi sect has been covered by water, and Yu Qingyu is now spraying blood all over his body.

The blood continuously drops into the water on the ground, which looks terrible.

The leader and his disciples were all shocked at the moment.

This kind of ability is not an ordinary snake can do.

The legendary dragon can make the sun and the moon change color.

A dragon chant can command all spirits and beasts. Its skin can resist thunder. Ordinary friars can't hurt him at all.

If the thing that looks like a snake but can fly in front of Leng Xuan is a dragon, they can't stop a dragon.

Yu Qingyu's rising aura was also passed on to Xiaoyao pestle through the contract. The medicinal pestle was originally a magic instrument.

In this world of cultivating immortals, it is a legendary artifact. Its power is not only to let Yu Qingyu use it to smash stones without any effort.

If you give him a huge aura, a user who fits his heart, it can make a hole in the sky.

, how can you not cry in your eyes

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