"Hum..." The ship suddenly burst into a dazzling light, and then a thin film covered the whole ship.

The arrow hit the film and made the ship shake.

"Little four, put out two fingers in his right hand, recite 'the wind blows quickly'

Leng Ran to do it in a hurry. The boat swayed a few times, lifted it straight, hovered in the control air for a moment, and immediately disappeared in front of a crowd of demons.

The devil died with a cold hum, and his back was flying to catch up with him.

Other demons also used various ways to catch up with them.

The front is dirty and black. There seems to be something in it that keeps rolling.

Even if it is separated by a thin film, it gives people a bad feeling.

"System, what's ahead?"

"It's no doubt that the spirit of the whole body will be improved if you go into it."

"Is there anything in this that will make me better?"

The system was silent for a moment. "Yes, but very few people outside the devil can get it."

"What is it?"

"A bead."

Yu Qingyu said: He's really connected with beads.

"So I have to ask the demon king to let him take the beads for me?"

"well, the devil who takes the beads is also a near death. In every world I have been to, there is only one successful demon king."

Yu Qingyu rolled his eyes, "I don't take the head office, anyway, sooner or later, people who want to leave will be paralyzed for more than one or two years. Anyway, there are people to serve."

The system almost laughs. This person who doesn't want to make progress has no one but his family Qingyu.

"Big brother, are we going on?" Asked Leng, commanding the ship.

Yu Qingyu shook his head, smiling faintly: "don't go, it's too dangerous inside."

Leng said anxiously: "but there is something we are looking for. It is said that it can cure all injuries. Even temporary people can be rescued as long as they have one breath. It is certainly useful for you."

Yu Qingyu's heart was very warm, and his face was more sincere with a smile, "little four, those who practice aura inside will die. No doubt, I don't want me to be alive. You are dead. What's the use of me even if I'm good?"

Leng Yi Dai obviously didn't expect Yu Qingyu to say such a thing.

"Fourth, is it not good for us to live peacefully and quietly?"

In the distance, a lot of small black spots quickly came and surrounded them in a fan shape.

Leng Shan Mou son a change, "they chase, big brother, now we do not go in also have no way."

Yu Qingyu sighs, he has not finished this task, is he going to die ahead of time?

"System, have you found where Feng xiner is?"

"It's in the devil kingdom. The shadow of Feng xiner's body just now is right."

"Demon king? So she must have taken refuge in the devil. If we kill the demon, Feng xiner will not be trampled on the bottom of her feet if we kill the demon?"

"you can try it."

"Who in front of me dares to break into my territory, ready to die?" The devil's voice was like a great bell, and it came from afar.

Leng hung the boat in the air. He could attack and defend. He raised his voice and asked, "are you the devil here?"

"it's this king!" the devil looked at Leng Xuan with the corner of his eyes.

Br >

when the king of magic and jade came up to the table, they took out the big bottle of wine and asked him to take out the wine.

Around is the demon king likes the beautiful woman to also be this smile to shake the eye, the footstep move was pulled by the person behind, "demon king, be careful to have deceit."

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