"System, you mean it?" Yu Qingyu asked angrily.

The system suddenly feels aggrieved. It is intentional. What's the matter?

Is that what he's done with his system for so many years for a rat?

This is the first time that Yu Qingyu really got angry with the system.

The system is very sad, cut off all contact with Yu Qingyu. When he dies, his soul will be received in his space.

But for decades and hundreds of years, he had nothing to fear.

The rest of the long years is not only I accompany you, let you wave enough, after will not wave again.

"Hello, system, do you speak? How to operate this array? " Yu Qingyu then asked.

However, the question seemed to sink into the sea, as if the system had never existed in his mind.

"System? System? Lying trough you! Give it to the employees, we'll hang up! "

"System Come out

In front of the spaceship suddenly appeared the figure of the demon king. His black wings seemed to be more powerful in the rolling black clouds.

Cut ~ if he is not injured too seriously, this kind of semi-finished goods, he smashed down a medicine pestle, to ensure that he minutes into a pool of meat mud.

Yu Qingyu took out the small medicine, and the small medicine flew to Leng Xuan's hand automatically.

"Xiao Si, look for a chance to smash him with a pestle. As long as he gets a little bit, he will surely die."

"Well, he doesn't die, we die."

Leng Ran the spaceship and ran into him. The devil had a sharp sword in his hand and cut it off from the top of his head.

"Bang" film was broken, black fog rushed to the ship.

The sword struck him straight. One arm rose to the sky, splashing out a large amount of blood. Leng threw the pestle out with the other hand.

It's an opportunity he bought with one arm, and he won't waste it.

In the thick black fog, the pestle successfully hit the devil's foot. The demon had not yet sobered from the joy of cutting Leng's arm, he felt the taste of death.

He widened his eyes and fell to the ground in an unbelievable way. In an instant, he became a white bone.

"Xiao Si, take pills to stop bleeding! Hurry up!" Yu Qingyu shouts eagerly.

Leng raised his head and laughed at him. He couldn't see his expression clearly in the black fog. Yu Qingyu felt a fierce pain in his heart.

His arm is gone, but he still has the heart to comfort him? He is stupid, isn't he?

Leng worked hard to fill the groove with spirit stone. After a flash of light, the ship was covered with a film again.

The pestle lay quietly on the boat board, and the black fog in the air quickly poured into the pestle, but for a moment, the black fog in the film disappeared.

Leng sat there constantly changing spirit stone, but also distracted, occasionally controlling the spacecraft.

The blood from the broken arm trickled to the ground. Yu Qingyu had never felt that he could not do anything so hard here.

If he can move, just a small area of the devil, a tail down, he can teach him to be a man.

If he can move, Leng won't lose an arm, if he can move

A large number of magic objects surrounded the spaceship. Yu Qingyu glared at them fiercely and said with gnashing teeth: "little four, throw out the pestle. If you die today, you have to pull a few cushions."

There is nothing to be afraid of death. What he is afraid of is that he will never see his elder brother again.

Leng came over and hugged him with his only arm. "Brother, did I say I love you?"

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