Yu Qingyu nodded. After the shopkeeper gave the shop keeper to guard, he led Yu Qingyu to a building that looked extraordinary.

Yu Qingyu followed the shopkeeper into the room. The first floor was selling pills, the second floor was magic ware, and the second floor was an auction house.

"Winter shopkeeper, come to look for our Tong manager again?" a man who looks at the shop speaks with the manager of winter.

Winter shopkeeper ha ha a smile, "yes, I have something to look for him."

"Then you go, he's down there."

Manager Dong turned to Yu Qingyu and said, "I'm sorry for the delay."

Yu Qingyu shook his head, saying that he did not put it in his heart.

Tong Guanshi is yelling at a group of people with one hand akimbo scolding.

Manager Dong feels that it's not good for Yu Qingyu to see this picture, and he coughs gently.

Seeing the manager, Tong came over and swore all the way, "Xiaodong, why are these people so stupid? You can't understand the arrangement of a meeting place. Do you speak like a word? A bunch of rubbish

"Don't be angry. I'm not here to introduce business to you. He has a lot of good goods in his hands."

Tong Guanshi took a look at Yu Qingyu, and said faintly, "let's talk in the private room." Obviously, he didn't treat Yu Qingyu as a noble person.

After sitting down, Yu Qingyu took out the storage ring and handed it to Tong Guanshi, "you can see how much it's worth, and then you can estimate the price. If the price is suitable, I'll sell it all."

Tong Guanshi's divine sense was startled when he got into the ring. These things are more than the wealth of a small clan.

Tong Guanshi can't help guessing the identity of Yu Qingyu. Is this the young master who came out of the hermit family to experience?

If it is, then he must make friends, maybe it will be useful in the future.

Yu Qingyu knocked on the table, "how much spirit stone is worth? I'm still waiting to use it?"

"I just looked at your things and found that they are of high value. We can't get so many spirit stones at the moment. What do you need urgently? Maybe we can help."

Yu Qingyu considered, "do you have Shengji pill?"

Steward Tong laughed, "coincidentally, we have shengjidan auction in the evening, so you'd better participate in the auction at night?"

"I don't want to participate. How many spirit stones can you sell to me directly?"

"This I'm afraid we can't. We've put all the news out. "

"I add money and I don't have time to go to the auction."

Tong Guan Shi smiles bitterly, "childe, it's not that I don't sell it to you. It's just that we've all released news about the reputation of our auction house, so Please forgive me

Yu Qingyu still has a kind heart for others, nodding, "OK, when will the auction begin?"

Tong Guan Shi quickly replied: "after dark at night."

"I'll come back in the evening. By the way, how do you count these things?"

"Don't worry. We will give you a fair price."

Yu Qingyu laughed, "it doesn't matter if it's unfair. There's an auction house in this city anyway."

Tong Guanshi:

Tong Guanshi gave Yu Qingyu a post and asked him to come at night.

Yu Qingyu took up the post, "the spirit stone comes out and puts you here first. When I get something, I will buckle it from inside."

"All right, young master. Take your time."

After Yu Qingyu left, shopkeeper Dong said quietly, "how can he trust you so much? Is it a huge sum of money for you to run away with this spirit stone?"

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