Leng: please do something about personnel!

After a delicious lunch, Leng's whole body was covered with a thin layer of sweat, which was particularly attractive on his pink skin.

Yu Qingyu didn't resist and used his hand again. When he finally got out of the inn, it was almost time for the auction to begin.

"Are you here, young master? Come in, please Manager Tong stood at the door to greet the guests.

It seems that there must be heavyweights in today's auction, otherwise the steward would not do such things as welcome.

Yu Qingyu handed the post to him, "I'm here to get some spirit stones first, and then I'll bring someone. Is it convenient for me to take care of this place?"

People in charge of all kinds of things see more, easily will not offend people, nodded with a smile, "of course, that childe will come with me first."

Yu Qingyu took the stone, took the wheelchair and returned to the inn.

Leng was dressed up and put on the chair.

Even if he closed his eyes, he had a sense of elegance.

Yu Qingyu looked left and right and felt wrong.

All of a sudden, he picked up a hat with a curtain from the space stone and put it on for him.

Well, that's good, so people can't see his face or his closed eyes.

Yu Qingyu pushed Leng to appear at the door of the auction house, which also caused onlookers.

It's really this pair of combinations that attract people's attention. Yu Qingyu's face is full of spring color and her figure is erect. Every move is full of hook people's meaning.

Although the wheelchair people can not see the face, but the slender legs are exposed.

A pair of hands in the arms, regular sitting posture inexplicably added a bit of cute.

Tong Guan steward came up and said, "you're coming, sir. I've prepared the box. Come here."

Yu Qingyu's elegant pace pushed Leng into the auction house.

There was a voice of regret behind him, all in regret. I don't know if I can see them again.

Yu Qingyu pushed Leng to the window, and took his hand. "Little four, you will hear something you like in a while, hook me with your fingers, and I will satisfy you."

Leng: is this a bit ambiguous?

"Next, let's bid for the first treasure. This is a spirit sword with water attribute. It is especially suitable for monks of water spirit root. The starting price is 1000 spirit stones, and the price increase should not be less than 100 spirit stones."

"One thousand three."

"One thousand five."


Yu Qingyu looked at the bidding of the people below. He drank tea leisurely and took a SIP to Leng.

He didn't put the cup until he licked his lips red.

It feels a little abnormal these days, especially want to get close to Leng.

As soon as I see him, I want to pick his clothes, stick to his skin, kiss him and sleep with him.

At the moment, he was sitting there quietly, watching his ten thousand word action play.

I always feel that there is a evil fire in my body, and I always want to rub something.

"Next, we are going to auction a pill. Its name is Shengji pill.

We all know that Shengji pill can regenerate severed limbs and save lives at critical moments. Therefore, the starting price of this pill is 100 million spirit stone, and the increase price is no less than 1 million. "

"130 million."

"150 million."


Yu Qingyu waited for someone to shout for a while, then he said, "800 million."

All the people in the auction house were shocked.

Shengjidan has been sold in the auction house before, with the highest price of 600 million yuan.

Just now, people were still raising the price by about 500 million yuan. Yu Qingyu's export was 800 million yuan, which immediately suppressed all the people in the field.

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