Yu knows clearly that Li Hanyun has been ambushed at the moment. It's useless for him to leave now. It's better to wait here.

He's going to take him back. I can't see how.


"there may be humans here. Be careful when you eat."


"yes, Wang."

Yu Qingyu climbed to the highest place of the whole planet, overlooking the dense insects on the ground.

His scalp felt numb. Fortunately, he was not afraid of insects. Otherwise, he would not be scared to death.

"Bang" Yu Qingyu fell a weapon beside him, and the strong light blinded his eyes for a moment.

After several world trials, Yu Qingyu has already developed an instinctive reaction.

The body rolled a few times to avoid the strong explosion.

His men are dead.

"Hiss "Hiss"

when the Zerg found that they were attacked, they all stopped eating and fought back angrily.

There is a line of light to the spacecraft in the sky.

These are the collective attacks of hundreds of Zerg insects.

There are also many Zerg flying up to gnaw at the spacecraft.

Zerg teeth are the sharpest, so the ship had to fly far away, sending a lot of mecha to kill the Zerg.

In the air, a silver and partly blue mecha was particularly fierce.

He was holding something that should be a laser gun. All the Zerg fell to the ground, whining and whining, and lost their combat effectiveness.

Some of them were blown to pieces by him, with white and black meat flying in the air.

Yu Qingyu surrounded by a few insect walls, he slowly toward Li Hanyun close.

Those insect walls are also pushing towards the cold clouds.

"Marshal, look out! A large number of Zerg are coming at you."

Li Hanyun's indifferent and plain voice replied, "I know." I don't care about the Zerg at all.

"Sooner or later, your conceit will kill you!"


"your task in a moment is to catch that mecha and bring him back to our Zerg." Yu Qingyu looks at Li Hanyun and tells the Zerg.


"yes, Wang!"

Li Hanyun watched a large number of Zerg swarming towards him, without a trace of fear in his eyes, and the arm of the mecha holding the gun tightened.

Just as he was about to launch an attack, his head suddenly hurt and his gun fell to the ground.

Yu Qingyu's mental power has no rival in this world. Interfering with Li Hanyun's control of mecha is simply too simple.


"quick, catch him, let's go back to the mother star!"

although the Zerg don't understand why their king has to withdraw before the fight is over, they won't ask, they just carry out.

By the time others find out that Zerg are not warlike, it's too late.

A large number of Zerg are piled up into a big ball with Li Hanyun in the middle.

Standing on the clear sky, the moon shines.

A moment later, a space node appears.

Zerg fight hard, the news is on this battlefield.


"quick! Chase! We must find the marshal back."

All the soldiers present panicked.

One side lost its general, the other side intended to retreat, and soon the wine on the planet returned to calm, leaving only one corpse.

Li Hanyun rolled on the ground with his head in his hands.

Mecha out of control is like a piece of scrap iron being carried by Zerg.

Yu Qingyu looked at his pain and withdrew his mental strength.

As soon as Li Hanyun's head stopped aching, he immediately went to control the mecha.

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