The badge will be replaced at ten tomorrow.



But this time he couldn't tell. As soon as he woke up, there was a hanged woman in the room. The woman was naked, and her blue and purple body was devastated. There were traces of use somewhere.

Looking at Shen Shuyang wearing a pair of obscene trousers and a wet crotch, no one knows what happened.

Shen Shuyang was beaten by his father without saying a word. He almost broke his leg. He was locked up in a small shabby room. No one was allowed to give him food and drink until he understood what he was doing wrong.

Shen Shuyang is also a stubborn temperament. I said it was not me. You don't believe it. Then you can close it and see when you can close it.

Shen Shuyang is usually spoiled and spoiled. He can't bear the pain. However, he died after two days of Kung Fu and his injuries. It was just this time that he came.

The memory that the little black cat sends him is all the memory of Shen Shuyang in the past ten years, and only read about it.

The target of his strategy this time is the emperor's eldest son, who is also said to have tens of thousands of lives in his hands.

It is said that the children in Beijing were afraid to cry when they heard of his reputation. Those girls in the boudoir were even more scared to be granted to the emperor. The legend also said that the eldest prince was eight feet tall, bulky, with whiskers on his face, and his voice was like a loud bell. Once upon a time, he scared off 100000 enemy troops. Make complaints about

and Tucao, is that Li Kui in the water margin? Isn't black cat really playing with such a man?

"Little black cat, come out! Come out! Come out... " After shouting for a long time, the little black cat didn't respond to him. Later, he remembered that the bastard seemed to shield him. He took a few deep breaths and showed a smile.

"With, you are the most gentle, the best to see, the best temper, can not be angry, angry is not good-looking, well, OK, keep smiling."

Stomach grunt sound, and bear the bad smell of the room quickly eat food into the stomach, almost no choking roll eyes.

The second day, as soon as it was light, he moved to the door and patted the door, "come on! You go and tell my father that I know I'm wrong. I'm willing to be punished. I want to see him. "

From the crack of the door, he saw a guard leave. He leaned on the door with the best posture, waiting for his father's arrival.

"Rebellious son! Did you know your mistake at last? "Anle Hou roared angrily in the courtyard, listening carefully to the tone, there was a trace of relief.

"Father, father, son are so sad, so sad! Father and son want to see you. "

Anle Hou snorted, "say, what's wrong with you? Don't think about it if you can't say it today!"

"Father, my son is wrong, but will you give him some face? There are so many people here, what do you want your son to say? "

anlihou sneered," when did you have a face? "Although the words were tough, they waved their hands to let those people back.

With the corner of his mouth, the gentle smile, "father, you come forward! My son hasn't seen you for three days. I miss you very much. "

Anle Hou's face collapsed and he stepped forward a few steps, but there was a subtle feeling in his heart. When did this son say such a straightforward thing to him, he was either making trouble for him outside, or going home to ask for money. It seems that only when he was a child did he have such a gentle and kind voice and tone.

When he saw Anle Hou come forward, "Putong" knelt down and kowtowed to Anle Hou respectfully, bearing in mind his painful broken leg.




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